
Weight loss product ads on mobile - rant and questions

So I apologize in advance if this might be a trigger thing for some. I may even make reference to certain things that are a bit gruesome. If so, I might advise you not to read farther.

Fortunately however, I don't happen to know of anyone who uses any of these products, though it's not like I ask.

Brief Background

I, along with probably many other users here, might play various mobile phone games or other mobile apps. At least, this is the only place where I've seen them.

The ads I see make outrageous claims, such as losing 25-30+ pounds in say, 30 days. Mix some sort of thing into water, drink it every day, and it comes right off. It also irritates and annoys me since well, the before pretty much always looks better. The ads also show short, dramatized clips of what's supposed to be fat, being dissolved away near instantly. It's creepy as hell, as I have to turn away in disgust until the ad is finished playing. At least I don't see ads like that on TV/Hulu/etc.

I *have* actually once heard of a truly godawful weight loss pill, probably from developing countries with lax regulation or enforcement, that actually delivers on the promise. But it does so by infecting you with roundworms which is truly nasty. Don't look it up. You'll end up in the hospital to get treated for it, and more often than not, gain back all the weight lost, at least if the roundworm doesn't cause starvation first.

But no, I think this might be a different product.


So my questions are.. has anyone else seen these ads? Maybe know what I'm talking about?

More importantly, what the hell are these products, what's really in them, and where do they come from?

I'm 99.99% sure the FDA would never approve anything like this, and Australian, Canadian, and EU/UK standards are even more stringent, so if you live there, you aren't going to find anything like this on the shelves of your local pharmacy.
3 years

Weight loss product ads on mobile - rant and questions

The FDA only makes sure the medicine is safe. They have no say whether the medicine works or not. Most ads have a disclaimer that the FDA has not evaluated the effectiveness of it. This pretty much applies to "homeopathic" medicines. Prescription medicine is handled differently.
3 years