last year has been me gaining quite a lot of weight. i hadn’t noticed any small changes cause i was set in a very sedentary daily routine. i didn’t do anything physically demanding at all. fast forward a year and the pairs of stretchy pants i had got to tight. ok, no worries. i will buy more. easier said than done. to my surprise i had gone from a 30 straight to a 40 waist. 90 pounds in a year. my shirt size went from medium to xl. i am covered in stretch marks as of recently too. i didn’t have a belly at all last year, now i have surpassed the “dad bod” and gone straight to pig. a big soft belly that lies in my lap. very round and soft. i am also completely out of shape now compared to when i started. i can barely go on bike rides without becoming extremely out of breathe. i have truly snowballed out of shape and love it. sorry that was just my quick rant.😊
3 years