
What little differences have you noticed recently?

Literally needing a moment from the kitchen to the living room. Attempting to do more on an empty stomach that weighs less.
3 years

What little differences have you noticed recently?

Sometimes feeling my double chin jiggle when I'm brushing my teeth.
3 years

What little differences have you noticed recently?

I’m noticing that my clothes are getting smaller (getting harder to fit in a size 24 jeans). My face has fattened out some more; and my belly is getting much rounder and fatter. The restaurant booths are getting smaller as I get fatter. I’m embracing my fatness.
3 years

What little differences have you noticed recently?

I've recently put on about 30 lbs (pandemic) and noticed the way my belly hangs over my belts now, I can't stop squeezing it. Playing with my seat-belted belly while stuck in traffic has also become a favorite pastime.
Also feeling my chubby chin/neck move whenever I move my head is something to get used to.
3 years

What little differences have you noticed recently?

1. I found two pairs of 44 waist shorts that fit... loose but they fit. I usually wear 40 in shorts and 42 in long pants, both getting snug.
2. Button down shirts in 17 (XL) are getting snug in the belly, and weren’t last year.
3. Eating anything that can’t run away or defend itself.
3 years

What little differences have you noticed recently?

Today I was completely out of the larger underwear that I bought a month ago and had to go back to one of the smaller pairs in the back the drawer. They were already tight before but now they are just comical. My belly hangs out all over the place and the legs are cutting off my circulation. I'll try and post a picture later.
3 years

What little differences have you noticed recently?

Lately I’ve noticed that my chin and face in general has gotten bigger, I’ve got a big double chin now! My lower back hurts if I bend over for too long now too. I got out of breath just scooping out my cat’s litter box earlier too. I’m also starting to take up more space in chairs.
3 years

What little differences have you noticed recently?

last year has been me gaining quite a lot of weight. i hadn’t noticed any small changes cause i was set in a very sedentary daily routine. i didn’t do anything physically demanding at all. fast forward a year and the pairs of stretchy pants i had got to tight. ok, no worries. i will buy more. easier said than done. to my surprise i had gone from a 30 straight to a 40 waist. 90 pounds in a year. my shirt size went from medium to xl. i am covered in stretch marks as of recently too. i didn’t have a belly at all last year, now i have surpassed the “dad bod” and gone straight to pig. a big soft belly that lies in my lap. very round and soft. i am also completely out of shape now compared to when i started. i can barely go on bike rides without becoming extremely out of breathe. i have truly snowballed out of shape and love it. sorry that was just my quick rant.😊
3 years

What little differences have you noticed recently?

Ankle swelling- never experienced that until the last couple of months.
3 years

What little differences have you noticed recently?

I've had a couple. One was the first time I've ever had a stranger comment on my weight. I was chatting with someone I'd just met about how I (apparently) look just like a guy he knows. In addition to similar hair color etc he gave a very noticeable (but unintentional) glance at my belly and mentioned we were both "a little...thicker..."
Also, I've noticed when I go in for a hug or cuddle with my wife now my belly is the first part of my body to make contact, laying in bed we wind up with a 2-4" gap between us because of the space my new gut occupies.
3 years
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