Extreme obesity

Immobility, but how much?

There has been a lot of talk about immobility, but it is always handled as one monolithic concept.

But it can have many different stages, so I'm curious what you mean when you say you want yourself or your partner to become immobile. In real life or fantasy?

1. nigh-immobility. You can't get up by yourself, but if someone helps, you can still stand up and maybe move a few steps on your own.

2. completely bed-ridden. Can't walk even with help.

3. world record holder.

4. higher than world record holder but can still put food in your mouth with your own hands, even if with great difficulty.

5. can no longer put food into your mouth with your own hands, can't even raise hands. The highest weight one might get in real life with our current understanding of biology.

6. Utterly ludicrous sizes only futuristic biological and medical sciences would make possible. Sizes only seen in comics. Laying in a huge bed and belly outflowing it, reaching the ground.
6 years

Immobility, but how much?

This does not quite fit in with the options or aforementioned stages of immobility, but at least in my fantasy world I would LOVE to be barely mobile. I could still do most of the things I can do now, but everything physical becomes a complete struggle. Stairs, clothes, standing, walking, showering, etc, all become a sweaty ordeal which only makes me lazier, then fatter, then more and more helpless until I am verging on actual immobility.
6 years

Immobility, but how much?

Speaking of beached whales...

Maybe the future of obesity lies in the water. Could a branch of humanity in the future evolve to be super obese and live their lives in the water like the ancestors of whales?
6 years

Immobility, but how much?

Maybe the future of obesity lies in the water.

Or on the Mars, where gravity is smaller.
A 300 kg (660 lbs) person is barely able to move on Earth, but would weight only 38% of it on Mars, that won't affect your mobility almost at all.

You would actually need to weigh 300 pounds in order to be able to move around, otherwise your feet will not have enough traction with the ground.
6 years

Immobility, but how much?

1. nigh-immobility. You can't get up by yourself, but if someone helps, you can still stand up and maybe move a few steps on your own.

2. completely bed-ridden. Can't walk even with help.

I am not quite at #1 yet, I can still get up by myself most of the time, and I can still walk for several minutes before needing a rest. It poses enough day-to-day difficulties that #2 scares me a little. (Yes, it is a turn-on intellectually, but just very difficult from a practical perspective!)
6 years

Immobility, but how much?

Id eventually like to try stage 7 assuming all things worked properly
6 years

Immobility, but how much?

You forget to mention that the red planet's landspace is continually blustered by high speed winds and dust stroms capable to rush till 60 mph, that the atmosphere much thinner and toxic and that the local temperature varies from 87 to 5 minus degrees Celsius.

Not if we terraform it first.
6 years

Immobility, but how much?

Terraforming Mars might be more than a weekend project!
6 years

Immobility, but how much?

I think I'm late it replying this but at this moment I would like to get to 300 but it's a struggle I can't imagine how hard it would be to get to 600 700 or immobile. Once I get to 300 I'm almost sure I would go for it. Any advice on how to go about doing this?
6 years

Immobility, but how much?

It is interesting that in one of medieval tradition of Middle East four levels of this kind were distinguished:

a ) when a person cant waddle on her legs without help, but can arise and stand up for a moment by herself, and well can move on her fours and crawl for short distances;

b ) when a person cant walk even with help, cant arise and stand up without help, but can arise and stand up for a moment with help, and can move on her fours without help though with much efforts:

c) when a person can't neither walk, nor arise and stand up even with help, but still can get on her fours and move on her fours, though prefers to receive help even with this, or stops for a rest after several movements on her fours.

d) when a woman can't even get on her fours and move on her fours or crawl, and she is able only to turn from side to side on the spot, and needs or prefers help even with this.

In formulas of " seven stages of fat beauty" the (c) stage was usually omitted.

It is told by several sources that Abda, the wife of caliph Hisham of 8th century, was so fat that she belonged to ( b ) level, namely she could stand up and make several steps only with assistance if 2, 3 or 4 maids, but could get up on her fours by herself, though with efforts.

Many wives of nobles and kings Great Lakes region in Africa werecso large tgat they on their could only crawl , but not stand up even with help, it is (c) level y Middle East classification.

Byzantine sources mention people so fat that they could move only "as seals, on their bellies", its (c) level too.

Some middle eastern folklore tales and byzantine and syrian texts mention women and couples of (d) stage, but its a very rare topic.
3 years