Extreme obesity

What are some of the appeals of extreme obesity?

I am pretty new to this and I would like to know what others think about this.
For me, it would be how huge a person could get and how their size could affect everyday stuff that many of us take for granted. And to see them struggling with all that extra weight.
3 years

What are some of the appeals of extreme obesity?

I think it’s the idea of slowly losing mobility and being hindered by your own body, and getting to and past the point where it would ever realistically be doable to lose the weight so in a way your body becomes a prison of fat. It’s more of the process than the goal too and reaching different milestones, but the idea of getting to be 600+ is very alluring, especially if it were for or with someone. If I were independently wealthy I’d be happy to allow a feedee/encourager/enabler to determine my goal, as long as they were the right person. Unfortunately I must work so I don’t think anything over 400 would be realistic for me.
3 years

What are some of the appeals of extreme obesity?

I think there are some aspects of extreme obesity and immobility that are intriguing. I love the Willix remake of Pigs is Pigs. To be one of the women in that comic in that fantasy setting has quite the allure to it. Being forced to be that fat. Having no control.
But, for my wife and I , definetly keeping any extremes in the realm of fantasy. The risks to health and daily activity is far to limited and dangerous for our tastes past about 300lbs give or take. Yes even that size or any size for that matter can have health risks. But we'd rather not push our luck. I feel we can experience all the aspects of gaining, feeding, etc within that size range. While also being able to do all the sa,e things we used to do. A bit slower, of course, but skill able.
3 years

What are some of the appeals of extreme obesity?

being unhealthy, knowing my life is going to be short
For me, it's the same
3 years

What are some of the appeals of extreme obesity?

Not having to do anything but eat
3 years

What are some of the appeals of extreme obesity?

feeling my belly grow and hang more and more...always eatting and being able to eat more and more
3 years

What are some of the appeals of extreme obesity?

For me, it was always feeling the pull of the belly apron and not being able to fit in certain cars and seats.
3 years

What are some of the appeals of extreme obesity?

Clearly shows whether someone is truly attracted to you or not. Some can play it off not to be alone while your chubby but when you're obese "fat fat", you can see the friendzone looks, the 'nah I just can't look', experimental looks, along with sheer desire.
Being able to feel like it was Thanksgiving Night while for others it was just Wednesday is a soothing vibe.
3 years

What are some of the appeals of extreme obesity?

I love how much room I take up when I sit down.
Love being able to play with my fat
I love that I can eat a lot of what I like most, or in the case of food like Chinese or Thai, order a variety of foods to eat.
3 years

What are some of the appeals of extreme obesity?

For me it's seeing my partner grow more lazy and struggle more with her weight and fat. Also seeing her eating more and more over the years.
3 years