
Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

I wear a bra about half the time. Although not usually while at work. I dont know that it's necessary but given my chubby fem figure I'm developing, I enjoy it.
5 years

Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

I wear a bra about half the time. Although not usually while at work. I dont know that it's necessary but given my chubby fem figure I'm developing, I enjoy it.

I think it does give one confidence, and who does not enjoy a gental hug all day?
5 years

Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

Okay guys, real question: what are your thoughts on wearing bras be in genuine or as a form of embarrassment (especially comparing with a female feeder) and feeders in general what are your thoughts on your male feedees wearing bras?

Genuinely, I've been thinking about getting some kind of sports bra after having to run just 5 ft and my moobs actually being sore from bouncing.

On the flip side; the embarrassment factor is a really big turn on. Whether it's a feeder comparing my moobs to her breasts, forcing me to try on or get fitted for a bra, or being publicly exposed for wearing one.
5 years

Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

I have a condition (gynecomastia) which has resulted in large breasts when I gained. I normally wear binding undershirts to try and flatten them out and keep them in place. These would work better than a jogging bra, too, if their movement was a problem for you.
2 years

Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

My moobs aren’t big enough to wear a bra yet, but if they were, I’d most likely wear a sports bra to keep them in place.
2 years

Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

I have a condition (gynecomastia) which has resulted in large breasts when I gained. I normally wear binding undershirts to try and flatten them out and keep them in place. These would work better than a jogging bra, too, if their movement was a problem for you.

What were your thoughts when your breasts started to get big? How did they feel?
2 years

Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

I have a condition (gynecomastia) which has resulted in large breasts when I gained. I normally wear binding undershirts to try and flatten them out and keep them in place. These would work better than a jogging bra, too, if their movement was a problem for you.

I have had this very same condition my entire life so I have always had bigger than average moobs and the fatter that I got; the pronounced they moved and I would wear compression shirts because I was self conscious of how they moved and I didn't want to get teased because of them but after years of women actually giving me compliments for them. I have now championed mine.
2 years

Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

I have had this very same condition my entire life so I have always had bigger than average moobs and the fatter that I got; the pronounced they moved and I would wear compression shirts because I was self conscious of how they moved and I didn't want to get teased because of them but after years of women actually giving me compliments for them. I have now championed mine.

I have gotten used to them over time, but I wouldn't say I champion them. They are a nuisance, they get in the way, more so than my stomach because they get in the way of my reach frequently. Compression clothes help but are also a nuisance. So if I could get them reduced I would. I have considered surgery, but honestly I am chicken to go through any kind of operation. The fact that my wife likes them makes me accept them a lot easier, but I would reduce them if I could through non-invasive means.
2 years

Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

I have had this very same condition my entire life so I have always had bigger than average moobs and the fatter that I got; the pronounced they moved and I would wear compression shirts because I was self conscious of how they moved and I didn't want to get teased because of them but after years of women actually giving me compliments for them. I have now championed mine.

I have gotten used to them over time, but I wouldn't say I champion them. They are a nuisance, they get in the way, more so than my stomach because they get in the way of my reach frequently. Compression clothes help but are also a nuisance. So if I could get them reduced I would. I have considered surgery, but honestly I am chicken to go through any kind of operation. The fact that my wife likes them makes me accept them a lot easier, but I would reduce them if I could through non-invasive means.

I truly empathize with you. Trust me, the getting in your way experience is something that I know all too well. And finding compression for them have become a pain so I get it. I just gave into mine
2 years

Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

I would live to take my fatty to get measured and if the women asks I would say cos he's a good pig and next would be a snout

God sooo hot 🔥🐖
1 year
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