Fat experiences

Ever encountered a feederism couple before in public?

During my work break today, I went for a small walk. On my walk I noticed a couple holding hands. One was a pretty slim and toned woman, The other was a pretty larger womon. They also gave each other a kiss at one point.

I was getting somewhat feeder vibes from the two of them, Just wondering if anyone else has encountered something similar or have actually bumped into other feedees/feeders out in the wild
2 years

Ever encountered a feederism couple before in public?

I've bumped into a couple when out shopping. The woman have been slim and toned and the man was much larger than her. Probably buying bigger clothes! It's a good feeling knowing it's becoming more common to be a big guy or a big girl!
2 years

Ever encountered a feederism couple before in public?

I can't prove it, but it's quite possible and I think they might have been.

Typically, I don't assume all size contrast couples are into this. While far from the norm, they're common enough you can't assume anything. I will say that in my area, small male/large female seems to be very uncommon. Most of the contrast couples I do see, it's large male/small female. This is likely the result of an old social double standard that's slowly breaking down - Where the man can be any size and even very fat, but women better be slim, trim, and fit.

Still, if you want a fat woman, it's much, much easier if you are fat.

So one day, I was at a bar. The food there is a joke, and I don't remember seeing anyone there actually eating any. But I've never been there before 10PM so who knows? But at some point, as it's not atypical, sometimes you do see couples there.

At first I didn't pay that much mind, since it seems like 90%+ of the customers and employees are all overweight or obese. But, I guess I got into a random conversation with this couple, and at a bar well you know.. the conversation could be able damn near anything. Somehow, the topic of food came up.

I had the feeling this couple might have been at least somewhat obsessed over food. I also noticed that the woman was somewhat curvy (not bone skinny, you could definitely pinch at least an inch), but her boyfriend.. he was huge. Quite a size contrast.

They also suggested that maybe I should try some seafood restaurant. And I think she said it in sort of a way that kind of implied that maybe she thinks I need to eat more. Of course, none of this proves anything, but it left me wondering.

Awhile later, I thought that perhaps I might have caught up with the boyfriend by chance on Whisper, who said something about feederism. If you aren't familiar with Whisper, it's a mobile app that's a bit of a toxic cesspool a bit like PostSecret, but on rare occasions you might find a decent users who's a diamond in the rough. At some point I asked if he's ever been to that bar. He says yes. But when I commented that I might have actually met them before, I guess he got cold feet, because then I never heard anything again. Still, kind of makes me wonder. Never did get to find out and get a satisfying conclusion.
2 years

Ever encountered a feederism couple before in public?


Awhile later, I thought that perhaps I might have caught up with the boyfriend by chance on Whisper, who said something about feederism. If you aren't familiar with Whisper, it's a mobile app that's a bit of a toxic cesspool a bit like PostSecret, but on rare occasions you might find a decent users who's a diamond in the rough. At some point I asked if he's ever been to that bar. He says yes. But when I commented that I might have actually met them before, I guess he got cold feet, because then I never heard anything again. Still, kind of makes me wonder. Never did get to find out and get a satisfying conclusion.

Oh that's a massive shame, But it does sound like they where maybe into feederism
2 years