Story authors

Authors - update your stories with the new search tags

Done my 3
3 years

Authors - update your stories with the new search tags

Yay, have marked off your stories LondonFA. Thank you!

Please keep updating your stories folk and get in touch when you have done so. We have a little under 3 weeks until the new search is updated, so we need your stories to be updated with the new categories by then so members are able to search for them.

Our mod team are going through and checking and updating categories and story tags as we speak, but your help with this would be greatly appreciated.
3 years

Authors - update your stories with the new search tags

Hi all,

Don't forget to update your stories! We have just over 1 week to go before we implement the new search on 1st October 2021. Our mod team are working really hard to update stories with the new tags, but if you can update your own stories and then get in touch this would help a lot!

Thank you all for your help!

FF Team
3 years

Authors - update your stories with the new search tags

Hi all,

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has updated their stories and got back to me privately to advise they have made the changes! For anyone who hasn't updated your stories yet, or unsure of how to do this please follow the step by step guide below:

* Go to 'my stories' page (
* Click 'Edit' for the story you wish to tag
* On the edit story page, click the pen icon (there are two pen icons, so click the one on the left hand side)
* You should now see a form with drop down boxes for different categories such as Genre, Gender, Sexual Orientation etc. Choose the options that relate to your story and save the form
* Repeat for all your stories

If you have any questions do get in touch!

Thanks again!

FF Team
3 years

Authors - update your stories with the new search tags

got most all mine done...that was a chore.

need to go back and reload header pics that somehow disappeared over the years.

i assume we can still do that after the deadline.

3 years

Authors - update your stories with the new search tags

Yes of course, you can edit all parts of your story after the deadline. Thumbnails, chapters, story text, tags and categories, etc...

We just wanted to have as many stories as possible tagged in time for when the new search is live so that it returns results.

I will mark your stories as updated in our admin section. Thank you so much for this, we really appreciate your help!

FF Team
3 years
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