Fat experiences

You know you're fat when:

When you think your 38-40 size pants still fit okay but you try on a pair of 44" waist pants for when you get bigger and are surprised that rather than absolutely swimming in them they feel quite comfy at your present size. Dang, I'm so fat that I stretched out my current pants nearly two whole sizes!
3 years

You know you're fat when:

1) Coworkers see you brought a lunch to work, but they still ask if they can get you something else when they step out for takeout.

John Smith:
I've seen plenty of coworkers doing this toward other coworkers who aren't fat at all.



I've seen plenty of coworkers doing this toward other coworkers who aren't fat at all.

Maybe that's the plan...
3 years

You know you're fat when:

You know you’re fat when you have hard time to bend over to lift out your things from the floor, because your belly is on the way. Also, when you not getting up from bed and prefer to rolling out of bed... 🥵
3 years

You know you're fat when:

When you begin looking like everyone else or you notice that you've gotten bigger than them. And when your belly begins to stick out and hangs causing it to rub up against things.

Or even better when you have to let your belly fully distend outward and down just to bend correctly and breath.
2 years

You know you're fat when:

when people start giving you a wider berth in public spaces than you thought was necessary.
2 years

You know you're fat when:

You know you’re fat when you go to an amusement park and need two people to push the bar down even when you’re in the extended seat 😋
2 years

You know you're fat when:

You know you're fat when you have trouble finding bras big enough and you're a guy.
2 years

You know you're fat when:

You know your fat when a female delivery driver knows you by name and comments that your hoodie you always wear looks really tight...

That' hot! Inappropriate but hot...
2 years

You know you're fat when:

When you can extend your arms out and still feel your armpits :-)
2 years

You know you're fat when:

You know your fat when a female delivery driver knows you by name and comments that your hoodie you always wear looks really tight...

That' hot! Inappropriate but hot...

I found it very hot as well!

Along the same lines is:
You know youre fat when you eat something that normally fills you up, but now you find yourself snacking straight after

Yes it's good too! But I prefer the lady noticing you've put on weight recently... How did you react to what she said?
2 years
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