Extreme obesity

2000 pound person?

What would a person about 6 feet tall and weighing 2000 pounds look like? How would one calculate this?
3 years

2000 pound person?

What would a person about 6 feet tall and weighing 2000 pounds look like? How would one calculate this?

Look at carol yaegar at her peak then try extrapolate?
3 years

2000 pound person?

What would a person about 6 feet tall and weighing 2000 pounds look like? How would one calculate this?

Look at carol yaegar at her peak then try extrapolate?

John Smith:
She weighed 1,500 pounds at her peak weight. Not one literal ton.

Hence why I keep saying that no real-life accounts of so-called "Massive, Ultra Super-Sized Big, Beautiful Women/Handsome Men" or acronymically MSSBBWs/MSSBHMs has been reported yet. The fattest human beings ever recorded weighed as much as Yaegar.

(okay, not this person)

Joke aside, the sole case about an obese person who ever weighed nearly close form one ton was actually some 20th century American man whose weight hovered on the lower end OF USSBHM territory because he was about 8-plus foot tall and suffering of acromegaly: proportionally speaking, his BMI must have been around 80 to 90, not 200 to 300+.

Indeed not, but all one can do is extrapolate using the upper bounds if there’s a visual curve up to it. Where is the weight going as there is a tendency toward the target? What does the human body do at extremes? What can we model from that if there was a patient at those currently theoretical BMIs? etc etc

As far as i can tell the OP is asking what methods could be used. There is data to start from.
3 years

2000 pound person?

Carol Yager never weighed 1,600 pounds. She weighed 1,600 pounds like some of those old circus fat people who weighed 400 pounds claimed to be 700 pounds. I have my doubts she was even over 1,000 pounds. Still a goddess though
2 years

2000 pound person?

Probably completelyres tricted in their movements.
2 years