Fattening others

Feeding while pleasured

I really was starting to think I was the only one inhad a feeder that would play with my udders while I ate and it finally trained my body to get wet when I would eat now it's everytime I eat wish I could find that again

Whoa jfc šŸ˜šŸ¤¤ I know how Iā€™m spending my weekend now!! Thanks for the inspo
3 years

Feeding while pleasured

I really was starting to think I was the only one inhad a feeder that would play with my udders while I ate and it finally trained my body to get wet when I would eat now it's everytime I eat wish I could find that again

Whoa jfc šŸ˜šŸ¤¤ I know how Iā€™m spending my weekend now!! Thanks for the inspo

This post is very inspirational
3 years

Feeding while pleasured

Man, if I had a lady who'd do that, I have no doubt I would blow up until I'm so huge, and I'd love every minute of it!

Only thing that could possibly make it even better if it's her own cooking and baking.
3 years

Feeding while pleasured

I would LOVE to give a chick backshots while she bend over eating her food.

One can only dream
3 years

Feeding while pleasured

I'd love to buy my sexy soft G/f one of those remote control vibrators , phone controlled and pleasure her whilst at a restaurant as she's enjoying her food. I've gotta find the right moment to ask her to along with my plan
3 years

Feeding while pleasured

Ok so I more recently got to really experience simultaneously being stuffed and fed with physical pleasure but also in the context of being submissive in a D/s dynamic and it was hot af.

I could quickly see how stuffing while receiving pleasure could easily condition someone to associate food and sexual pleasure.

Like I thought stuffing was hot before but simultaneously to help relieve the pain of overindulgingā€¦ even hotter.

In the context of humiliation and torture and pleasure and eating to get fatter simultaneously broke my brain.

10/10 would recommend.
2 years

Feeding while pleasured

I really was starting to think I was the only one inhad a feeder that would play with my udders while I ate and it finally trained my body to get wet when I would eat now it's everytime I eat wish I could find that again

Oh no. This is ideal. Edge your feedee hard ... stimulate them heavily while or before eating... instant encouragement. A whole extra layer of gratification and desire.... train their brain... make them crave even HARDER

Interesting. some pavlovs dog stuff here
2 years

Feeding while pleasured

When i first started viewing eating as pleasure. I would get hard just from eating lunch. It took time to control it.
2 years

Feeding while pleasured

When I was intentionally gaining and stuffing myself all day and all night, As I was stuffed with my ever growing gut sticking out in front of me I would them get so horny. After I was horny that made me hungry again it was a back and forth cycle of eating & stuffing feeling that much fatter getting so horny, then making myself hungry again. I believe with this fetish of I had a feeder encouraging me I probably would have gained another 100+ lbs. at that time.
2 years

Feeding while pleasured

I have always dreamed that feeder would feed me same time as having sex or pleasuring me and when I'm nearly bursting point feeder would make me to have orgasm
2 years
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