
Heavy cream is very sneaky

Today I tested what I asked in my previous post and did microwave a glass of heavy cream.

It was interesting to me how it became liquid and was easy to drink away, didn't notice any upset in the whole day.

Although it's also interesting to notice how after taking it for my usual breakfast I had less apetite for lunch after, not that it reduced my intent to eat the 2 plates of pasta with heavy cream i wanted to eat.
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

So been doing the heavy cream thing for a little bit now, and no luck. Same weight, same measurements. I've read some people try to spread it through the day -- maybe that's my problem?
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

So been doing the heavy cream thing for a little bit now, and no luck. Same weight, same measurements. I've read some people try to spread it through the day -- maybe that's my problem?

As long as your body is digesting it normally you should be getting the full benefit from it.

3500 extra calories above what you burn per day will create one pound of new body fat under normal circumstances. So a pint a day or more of cream will definitely catch up to you eventually.

There's usually about a 2 week delay when you drink cream. The key is to drink as much as your body can process. It's harder to process it all at once unless you mix it with the right ingredients such as carbs and sugars. Spacing it out across the day is still better and make sure that you drink it after you eat and never on an empty stomach.

A pint a day is easily done and it's possible to do a quart if you spread it out and you let your body slowly adjust to it. You have to pace yourself and be patient. If you can drink it every day and it's not hindering anything, then you are good.

The bottom line is that if you want a big gain you have to put your time in. The biggest gains are about finding your bodies digestion limit, creating a daily regime, and going for at least 3-4 weeks before you stop with two weeks being the minimum.

Some people do two weeks and then stop after not seeing anything, and then they start rapidly ballooning up. I've heard people say, I'm glad that I stopped because I'm a little unsure about gaining this fast. If that sounds like fun then go for 4 weeks or more. Use your best judgement. And get ready to go up at least a few clothes sizes.
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I'm on day 8 and I've gained 5.4 pounds and the thought that there might be a delayed gain is making my head swim...
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

you might find you need to work way up to 3 pints a day and see if your body can digest that much on top of regular meals. but if you spread it out and keep it up for 2 weeks that much cream should see a pretty decent gain.
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

3 pints a day will, in all likelihood, make you feel terrible and will mostly go undigested. What I’ve found is that it is most effective spread throughout the day. I’m drinking between 300ml and 600ml per day on top of conventional overeating. It takes a few days for the bloated feeling to go a away, but I’ve found my body adjusts pretty well to it.

And it’s making me get fat at an alarming rate, which is causing me to be hopelessly addicted to it. Im a bit scared, tbh.
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I've started my experiment with lactose free heavy cream this week (actually technically whipping cream because we don't have heavy cream in most Canadian grocery stores).

I assume it being lactose free won't matter much as lactose is a sugar and whipping cream is already fairly low in lactose anyway.

So far I've been drinking 1-1.5 pints a day (473-700ml) and I haven't seen any gains. Today is day 4 so I've had about 4.5 pints so far. I usually eat a piece of chocolate with it to promote an insulin response.

I'm eating around 3000 calories a day for me which is definitely a surplus.

I'm skeptical of the supposed delayed weight gain and subcutaneous fat gains, I'll believe it when I see it. Just gonna keep chugging cream until I actually notice myself being fatter.

Secretly hoping the delayed gain is true and by the time I start to notice it and stop drinking, I'll end up getting way fatter than planned.

Plus side is that I absolutely love the taste and thickness of it!
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

what have i done
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I just started gaining and drinking heavy cream again. I did a gain a few months ago with heavy cream. I gained about 30-35lbs. But then hit a plateau and couldn't seem to get passed it. So I took a break of a few months. I saw my Weight go down a little but then went back to where I hit the plateau before. So it seemed that bit that I lost came back on its own or was a delayed gain. Seeing that I'm trying gaining again. Maybe starting out at this point will result in breaking the plateau. I've definetly noticed changes. Which is what caused me to try again. I'm excited for the potential. I've noticed that chugging a smaller amount of cream combined with eating something, especially carbs/sugar helps with gaining. I try to be careful with too much sugar as I want subcutaneous gains. I guess I will see. smiley best luck to everyone!
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I want to try heavy cream with maltodextrin
1 year
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