
Comparison photo project

How many of you regularly take comparison photos? I've seen a lot, but they're rarely in similar positions and locations etc. For those making big or long term gains, I have a really fun project to recommend!

So since I started gaining, I've taken comparison shots. There are multiple types and angles, and each are always taken from the same position and distance from the camera (Or as much as possible). The fun of this is that I can create a montage showing actual visible growth happening in a slideshow, and it's really motivating!

At some point I plan on taking these images and blending the sequence of each angle to create a sort of 'live' morph effect, except all stages of the growth are entirely real. I definitely recommend if you want to do the same, start as soon as you can! Honestly the current comparison I have from start to now is so great, but I'm so excited to see the difference this time next year! I'd just love to see everyone else's morphs too!
2 years

Comparison photo project

You should share your comparison photos! (if you want to)
2 years

Comparison photo project

Never really thought to do that when I first started gaining.
But then I don't have a fat fetish or kink.
I do enjoy looking at comparison pics tho'.
2 years

Comparison photo project

You should share your comparison photos! (if you want to)

The plan is definitely to upload them once I've made a bit more progress. I'm not happy enough with the difference yet but based on my current speed, my Christmas I might be on target to share!
2 years