
First all day stuffing/bloat

I want to try an all day stuffing/bloat for the first time this weekend. I know I’m not going to be able to eat a lot because my capacity isn’t big but I just want to give it a try to see how big I can get by the end of the day. I’d love some tips/advice! Both for getting past the full feeling and any techniques to keep going all day
3 years

First all day stuffing/bloat

Just concern yourself with stuffing and eat as much as you can thru out the day.
I graze a lot thru out the day so try that and just eat more than you usually do.
Bloating with liquid your first time out may not be something you want to do.
Don't expect to get huge or see a big change the first time doing this.
3 years

First all day stuffing/bloat

The first all day gorging session I had lasted 22 hours, I had been with friends and smoked copious amounts of weed all day. First trip was to a chinese , I bought enough food for 3 people, then walked to a KFC had. 2 family buckets then went home and spent all night snacking on pizza, chips and ice cream, I should do it more often
3 years