Fat experiences

You know you're fat when:

You know you're fat when you have to steer your friends away from choosing a booth to sit down. You know you're fat when you have to be aware of seating in general and try to judge the space before (attempting) to take a seat.

You know you're fat when you can no longer use tray tables on airplanes, trains and similar because you can't push it down past your belly. And you definitely know you're fat when you have to ask the hostess for a belt extender.

I picked up my own before I sent on a trip :-P
2 years

You know you're fat when:

You know you're fat when food is the reward/answer to everything you encounter during your day.

Stress > Eat. Bored > Eat. Tired, Pick Me up > Eat. Pumping Gas > Snack time. Any Errand > Eat. Celebrate > Eat....

You become hyper-cognizant of the snacks available to you at all times while most people walk past those opportunities and don't bat an eye.
2 years

You know you're fat when:

Blubber belly:
You know you're fat when your belly gets wedged between two cars trying to exit your vehicle.

That's something that has never happened but I actually look forward to that now. Much appreciated. Lol
2 years

You know you're fat when:

Blubber belly:
You know you're fat when your belly gets wedged between two cars trying to exit your vehicle.

Seeing a woman's belly squished into the steering wheel is a big turn on. Watching her thighs jiggle as she works the pedals, another turn on. The best is when a BBW drives a stick shift vehicle, her arm fat jiggles in addition with every shift.

My wife is more bottom heavy and while her belly doesn't hit the wheel, many cars' seats and steering wheel can't adjust enough for her thighs to fit. Years ago I taught her to drive stick shift, which she mastered and I found sexy.

Ever since childhood I've had a thing for big girls and cars. It started with a BBW school bus driver. I would run to the bus after school and sit up front so I could watch her drive. She was really sweet and probably found it cute that I had a crush.

While I never saw a BBW stuck wedged in between two cars, if ever I did it would certainly be exciting, particularly if it was my car she parked next to and she needed my help to squeeze through.
2 years

You know you're fat when:

You know your fat when you get a fudge filled, chocolate dipped ice cream cone and the number of calories is the same number as your weight in lbs.
2 years

You know you're fat when:

You know you're fat when your shirts and tops keep getting stuck in your back fat ^^
2 years

You know you're fat when:

When your whole body shakes when putting on jeans
2 years

You know you're fat when:

you know you're fat when standing with your feet together is a serious struggle, or even impossible, because your thighs and calves are so huge and smoosh together all the way down to at least mid calf when you try.
2 years

You know you're fat when:

….when you can’t see your genitalia/pubic area looking down….
2 years

You know you're fat when:

This made me smile. I have to lift my belly up to see mine !♡♡
2 years