
New year's resolutions?

Almost posted this in Gaining or Stuffing, but some might have resolutions that aren't related to gaining, appetite, or eating challenges that at all.

For years I didn't believe in resolutions, but I think they're a fun thought regarding gaining. But I don't take them too seriously, like if I somehow don't manage to achieve them. If I'm doing something or will do something, it doesn't really matter what time of year it is.

I'll go first:

- Complete the "1+ million calorie year" challenge. In short, average at least 2,750 calories a day.

- Hopefully cross the 200 lb barrier and then some. With any luck, I'll have my first back rolls and perhaps B-cup moobs. If I reach 200+ lbs by summer I'm buying shorts.

- Eat a 1.75 quart container of ice cream in one sitting.

- Eat a large pizza, like the one from Pizza Hut in one sitting, even when it's thick crust and loaded with many meat toppings. Presently, I can only eat a thin crust pizza that's about a foot in diameter, like those CPK pizzas.

- Hopefully get a very sedentary, ideally telecommuting job that doesn't require me to be on the phone or video constantly (that is, more than occasional meetings). Easier to snack and eat that way.

- And last but certainly not least, hopefully go out on some dates with some cute, attractive BBW. Maybe even find a LTR if I'm really lucky.
2 years

New year's resolutions?

To keep growing my belly, of course :-)
2 years

New year's resolutions?

To reach my goal of 350lbs of course 😊
2 years

New year's resolutions?

To reach my goal of 350lbs of course 😊
2 years

New year's resolutions?

Not much for resolutions but one could be to find someone that would fatten me up to a SSBHM.
That would be nice.
If not, then another resolution could be to get more than just one comic out this year.
2 years