
What would you do if?.....

Shock first, obviously. šŸ˜ But putting that aside?

I'd worry about my muscles not having enough strength to get around with such a jump and not a natural progression. 200 on me isn't unreasonable over time to keep up with, but all at once I might instantly lose a lot of mobility. Which isn't my goal, as hot as it is in my fantasies.

I'd definitely be turned on. I'd love trying to figure out what size clothing I'd need to buy online.

Ultimately though? I think I'd be sad about missing all the in-between stages, growing out of clothes, seeing the scale go up, all the great food that would have got me there, getting too big for things...

Big true, missing out on the actual process of getting their would be quite sad
3 years

What would you do if?.....

What would do/feel if you woke up one morning, 200 pounds heavier then when you feel asleep the night before?

I would be 450 pounds/32 Stone

I would take a ton of photos of my huge sexy body and post them on Fantasy feeder, then get in front of a video camera and have a right good wriggle lol
3 years

What would you do if?.....

This sounds fun, I'd be about 525lbs+, I'd see how much more I could gorge on, I'd go to Burger king and buy 10 triple Burger's, before grabbing a credit card and buying bigger clothes.
Why only make it 200 lbs I'd like to wake up weighing an extra 400-500 lbs
3 years

What would you do if?.....

That would be interesting to say the least.
I would freak out being 550 lbs first and would think its a dream.
I would probably lay in bed feeling all the new fat. LOL
Still have clothes from when I was 425 and it would be interesting to see if they would fit.
3 years

What would you do if?.....

Probably just say fuck it. I'm looking for a excuse to get fat anyway. so yeah that and be horny af. That belly fat would be so soft at that point, I don't think I'd be able to stop playing with it.

God dam it.
3 years

What would you do if?.....

In all seriousness I would probably rush straight to the docs cause gaining 200 pounds in one day is almost always a bad sign medically speaking not for the reason of fat per say, but rather because the most feasible way for this to happen would be a tumor (cancer for those less aware.) of course obviously this is probably not life threatening gain unless you are perhaps a record holder as for having the most weight, or would be tipped into immobility without help, either way I would be a bit scarred as I would be dedicating quite literally all my time to figuring out how the heck it happened and would probably inevitably find out that it is not tumors and eventually just move on as things just eventually adjust to where it would be best for me and my health probably wouldn't get worse.
3 years

What would you do if?.....

What would do/feel if you woke up one morning, 200 pounds heavier then when you feel asleep the night before?

Worried about how It happened and see how the day could go.
In any case I'll be also worried about other reaction (relatives, Friends).
Unless I'm not the only One Who also gained weight.
3 years

What would you do if?.....

What would do/feel if you woke up one morning, 200 pounds heavier then when you feel asleep the night before?

First before my answer, Congratulations on getting more traction with this question than any similar question iā€™ve seen asked in any online forum in the fatlovesex community over the years. Excellent thought exercise!

Answer: It Depends, on so many things.

For me, it would be around 375 lbs. on my roughly 1.8 m height frameā€”more than a doubling of my weight (and iā€™m right about my highest-ever right now, so zero experience weighing more than about 180 lbs.).

1) Is There Pain?
IRL iā€™ve awoken to severe sudden pain more than once. Negates pretty much any joy.

2) Movement/Mobility
As others have already written, a sudden massive weight increase may be problematic here. Once again, IRL i Have. Been. Immobile. Hospital setting for nearly 3 months, not from fat, so very different from what gets discussed here. Still, do Not want to revisit that. So if i had passable mobility with the sudden fat, sure, iā€™m OK.

3) Type of Fat
Hard visceral: Nope, let me outta here!
Soft wobbly jiggly subcutaneous: Mmmmm.

4) Fat Distribution
Masculine: iā€™d panic, because i have male family members, one SS, who had significant fat-correlated medical issues. If somehow i knew my health was no worse than before this happened, feelings would be mixed and depend upon specifics.
Feminine: dopamine will peak and cortisol will drop: my dream has come true! It actually might literally real-world make me healthier, or at least no overall worse off. For-ev-ahhh, please!

5) Clothes
Donā€™t care; i live the life of an unemployed recluse; sometimes nudism happens (already IRL). Likely i actually have some things i could get into (esp. with a femme distribution).

6) Other Peopleā€™s Reactions
Donā€™t care, since i interact with so very few. For sure iā€™d get weird looks from those few who actually know me and see me out and about walking and bicycling. Hmmmā€¦ wonder what the weight capacity of my mountain bike is?

7) Vehicle
My 1981 Dodge van was made for fat people. I bought it from a SSBHM, and all indications are that it was his motherā€™s, and she was at least as big. Iā€™ve gotten used to driving it as an average/thin person, but itā€™s really meant for someone with one or both of big belly and/or butt (and agile/mobile enough to readily get into/out of a high-off-the-ground vehicle). The problem would be that so far, i often do my own work on the van, and with 200+ more pounds and a lot more girth, a whole lot less of that i can do. Thingā€™s too old to find competent repair people, most of whom are my age or older and have retired or died or otherwise moved on.

8) Knowing Why
Iā€˜ve already real-world lived that with a so-far incurable disease, where so far after 24 years there remains No Answer. Hence itā€™s easier for me than many people to shrug my shoulders and say ā€œOh well, it happenedā€ and go on with life as i decades ago had to conclude with my real disease, as long as thereā€™s no pain and no new/worse medical issues.
3 years

What would you do if?.....

What would do/feel if you woke up one morning, 200 pounds heavier then when you feel asleep the night before?

Jiggle Junkie:
First before my answer, Congratulations on getting more traction with this question than any similar question iā€™ve seen asked in any online forum in the fatlovesex community over the years. Excellent thought exercise!

Answer: It Depends, on so many things.

For me, it would be around 375 lbs. on my roughly 1.8 m height frameā€”more than a doubling of my weight (and iā€™m right about my highest-ever right now, so zero experience weighing more than about 180 lbs.).

1) Is There Pain?
IRL iā€™ve awoken to severe sudden pain more than once. Negates pretty much any joy.

2) Movement/Mobility
As others have already written, a sudden massive weight increase may be problematic here. Once again, IRL i Have. Been. Immobile. Hospital setting for nearly 3 months, not from fat, so very different from what gets discussed here. Still, do Not want to revisit that. So if i had passable mobility with the sudden fat, sure, iā€™m OK.

3) Type of Fat
Hard visceral: Nope, let me outta here!
Soft wobbly jiggly subcutaneous: Mmmmm.

4) Fat Distribution
Masculine: iā€™d panic, because i have male family members, one SS, who had significant fat-correlated medical issues. If somehow i knew my health was no worse than before this happened, feelings would be mixed and depend upon specifics.
Feminine: dopamine will peak and cortisol will drop: my dream has come true! It actually might literally real-world make me healthier, or at least no overall worse off. For-ev-ahhh, please!

5) Clothes
Donā€™t care; i live the life of an unemployed recluse; sometimes nudism happens (already IRL). Likely i actually have some things i could get into (esp. with a femme distribution).

6) Other Peopleā€™s Reactions
Donā€™t care, since i interact with so very few. For sure iā€™d get weird looks from those few who actually know me and see me out and about walking and bicycling. Hmmmā€¦ wonder what the weight capacity of my mountain bike is?

7) Vehicle
My 1981 Dodge van was made for fat people. I bought it from a SSBHM, and all indications are that it was his motherā€™s, and she was at least as big. Iā€™ve gotten used to driving it as an average/thin person, but itā€™s really meant for someone with one or both of big belly and/or butt (and agile/mobile enough to readily get into/out of a high-off-the-ground vehicle). The problem would be that so far, i often do my own work on the van, and with 200+ more pounds and a lot more girth, a whole lot less of that i can do. Thingā€™s too old to find competent repair people, most of whom are my age or older and have retired or died or otherwise moved on.

8) Knowing Why
Iā€˜ve already real-world lived that with a so-far incurable disease, where so far after 24 years there remains No Answer. Hence itā€™s easier for me than many people to shrug my shoulders and say ā€œOh well, it happenedā€ and go on with life as i decades ago had to conclude with my real disease, as long as thereā€™s no pain and no new/worse medical issues.

Aww thank you! I'm actually surprised with how many people are responding! And thank you for the in depth answer!
3 years

What would you do if?.....

I'd just like to thank everyone so far who's responded!

I'm happy to see all how we each would react with this happening to us

For me, If I gained 200,I would be around 240. I would be pretty surprised and wonder what people would think. But I would probably soon begin to push on hitting 250, and then probably 300 at that point because why not? Making me officially over double of what i am right now. I think it would be pretty fun!
3 years
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