Extreme obesity

Housing and life needs

Where are the billionaire FAs and why haven’t they built a village of fat friendly homes with widened doorways, huge showers, and reinforced stays to sell to mega fats at fair prices?

Being bedridden this past year and moving has been a challenge. I had one overpriced home option to rent in a town that I don’t really want to be in and in a home I don’t really love but was forced to choose for the handicap features I need. The owner was also immobile and the VA modified this home.

I’ve tried to focus on purchasing something then doing alterations but it’s a huge process here in CA and the prices are staggering and I am not part of the VA.

I’m looking into other states but honestly, nothing is promising or a viable solution.

Anyway, my thoughts are that I need a billionaire buddy, to win the lottery, or to find out I’ve had a trust in my name from some mysterious family member. Or, maybe you’ve suggestions?

It was hard sorting things when I could walk and I sorted it out as best I could. But honestly, what are mega fats and immobile fats doing for comfortable and suitable housing?

Sorry for the scattered post, but I thought that this and one other place I’m going to post might initiate conversation, ideas, and possible solutions for those in similar situations.
3 years

Housing and life needs

Two reasons:

1. Capitalism is interested in selling thinness as the ideal because it's hard and expensive to maintain and the diet industry as well as the medical-industrial complex are determined to milk societal insecurity for all it's worth, and

2. Bezos, Musk and Zuckerburg are hoarding all the money.

You for real sound like an awesome feedee and if it was possible I'd say let's buy a mansion and a bunch of feeders and feedees could just live there all together and have a great time but I'm a broke bitch too.
3 years

Housing and life needs

I have this dream where some billionaire buys out one of those retirement communities and repurposes it for other people with mobility issues, especially for super-fats. Already built for easy access, with paths designed for golf carts that would handle scooters well, etc.
3 years

Housing and life needs

I've always played with idea that the owners of fast food corporations are all hardcore feeders and are intentionally engineering the western diet to spread obesity.

But I don't think billionaires are creative or imaginative enough to be FA's. It's all about the bottom line for them and for them the bottom line is turning romantic and sexual partners into nothing more than status symbols.

Pretty crazy to think though that it would literally only take ONE billionaire fat admirer to take care of every single inifnitfat for all time and it would be like dropping pennies to them
3 years

Housing and life needs

Recently bought and modified a home. Super expensive, but I’m pretty happy with the results so far.

-Lipless shower
-No stairs (including exterior)
-40” doors throughout for chair access as needed
-Reinforcing for Handlebars at key spots
-Modified kitchen
-Turn radius in bathroom
-Walk in closed with big AC vent
-Serious AC
-Lever doorknobs
-Better furniture
3 years

Housing and life needs

Where are the billionaire FAs and why haven’t they built a village of fat friendly homes with widened doorways, huge showers, and reinforced stays to sell to mega fats at fair prices?

Why, i’m building a neighborhood like that right now, in FICTION, back in the 1950s.

Here in the real world, my first thought reading your post (weeks ago when you first posted it): {If a community legend like HeatherBBW whom i presume is well-connected socially within the fatosphere doesn’t already know at least one billionaire FA, do any actually exist?}

I’ve tried to focus on purchasing something then doing alterations but it’s a huge process here in CA and the prices are staggering and I am not part of the VA.

I’m looking into other states but honestly, nothing is promising or a viable solution.

Deeply relate to this, for other reasons. My virtual, functional move-related immobility involves the intersection of relative poverty, need for highly specialized healers of which few exist anywhere, and housing needs thankfully made possible by a relative (who is well up in age and not likely to move anywhere).

This native Californian has seen the state go from a place which as recently as the 1990s i could recommend people consider moving to, to an ever more dystopian hellscape of near-perpetual fires, spiraling cost of living, and numerous forces driving out everyone other than the filthy rich and dirt poor. Having written that, there are still compelling reasons for fatties and FAs to be better off here than in many other places in other U.S. states, hence your last sentence above resonates strongly.

2. Bezos, Musk and Zuckerburg are hoarding all the money.

Maybe not solely the 3 of them, but unfortunately the basic concept does seem to apply.

Pretty crazy to think though that it would literally only take ONE billionaire fat admirer to take care of every single inifnitfat for all time and it would be like dropping pennies to them

Intuitively seems like that i agree, and i’ve certainly not done even any rough math, but i have doubts. For just the housing, maybe. Heather entitled this:

housing and life needs

The life needs would be ongoing, and would add up—especially in a costly-to-live place like California. It might take more than one billionaire, or if just one, it would no longer be like dropping pennies from their perspective. As you wrote, it tends to be about the bottom line for the most wealthy, with them thinking return on investment rather than a curvy bottom outline.

Anyway, my thoughts are that I need a billionaire buddy, to win the lottery, or to find out I’ve had a trust in my name from some mysterious family member. Or, maybe you’ve suggestions?

Money will be involved—likely big money—no way around it. But it may be productive to look at other aspects, such as reducing or negating costs.

Where are the FA general contractors, who may be willing and able to offer discounts or even provide their personal labor pro-bono? (I think maybe i saw something heading that direction the other place you posted.) What about other FA specialist tradespeople—plumbers, electricians, HVAC, etc.? They themselves may not be financially able to donate $$ to you or any fab fatty in need, but what if they can donate or discount their labor? Same with the assistants and team workers as well as the leaders: they may be FAs who work for less, or for free.

There may well be FAs working at building supply companies, who might contribute via enabling discounts on remodeling/building materials.

You/others might even have an ardent FA fan or several at a local permitting office or building inspector’s office, glad to help smooth a too-difficult process.

Working all the angles, it may be possible to find enough money and reduce costs enough to achieve success, no lottery tickets nor fickle hopefully-benevolent billionaires needed.
3 years

Housing and life needs

Where are the billionaire FAs and why haven’t they built a village of fat friendly homes with widened doorways, huge showers, and reinforced stays to sell to mega fats at fair prices?

Being bedridden this past year and moving has been a challenge. I had one overpriced home option to rent in a town that I don’t really want to be in and in a home I don’t really love but was forced to choose for the handicap features I need. The owner was also immobile and the VA modified this home.

I’ve tried to focus on purchasing something then doing alterations but it’s a huge process here in CA and the prices are staggering and I am not part of the VA.

I’m looking into other states but honestly, nothing is promising or a viable solution.

Anyway, my thoughts are that I need a billionaire buddy, to win the lottery, or to find out I’ve had a trust in my name from some mysterious family member. Or, maybe you’ve suggestions?

It was hard sorting things when I could walk and I sorted it out as best I could. But honestly, what are mega fats and immobile fats doing for comfortable and suitable housing?

Sorry for the scattered post, but I thought that this and one other place I’m going to post might initiate conversation, ideas, and possible solutions for those in similar situations.

I find myself in a similar situation. My partner has become very limited with her mobility. She can now only stand for a few minutes and experiences leg and hip pain. Her leg pain is constant now. Although in the UK you do get some help with stair lifts, wet room, wheelchairs ect.
My partner has decided she is ready to take to her bed permanently.
So a home fit for purpose is very important. I have come to the conclusion, that a conventional building will be difficult and expensive to modify. I have been looking at alternative structures, that could be purpose built. With lifting equipment and easy access in and out in a emergency. Open plan with all the required facilities. Which could be placed on a plot of land or with a existing building.
As my partner is a older woman we know once she becomes bedridden and immobile she will never regain her mobility again. So her home has to be comfortable and safe.
But i feel it would be easier to go for a alternative structure for cost and efficiency.
3 years

Housing and life needs

In the US, building or retrofitting a home to ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) accessible standards should suffice for the majority of large and even morbidly obese folks.

This can be done in any community in the US and its territories. ADA compliance can be designed into new homes, or retrofitted into existing ones.

It is of course not an inexpensive endeavor, but donating such dwellings is absolutely not an obligation of billionaires, multi-millionaires, contractors, communities, or other entities.

Those individuals and families who meet certain income criteria however may qualify for an ADA compliant accessible apartment or home subsidized by the local housing authority.

My guess is most people in this situation are not poor enough to qualify for subsidies, yet not wealthy enough to afford to build or buy the home they need that fits them properly.
3 years

Housing and life needs

I am thinking a prefabricated structure would be financially easier than trying to convert a existing property. As it can be fabricated off site with all facilities and design needs incorporated from the get go. Then can be bought to site and quickly assembled.
3 years

Housing and life needs

Recently bought and modified a home. Super expensive, but I’m pretty happy with the results so far.

-Lipless shower
-No stairs (including exterior)
-40” doors throughout for chair access as needed
-Reinforcing for Handlebars at key spots
-Modified kitchen
-Turn radius in bathroom
-Walk in closed with big AC vent
-Serious AC
-Lever doorknobs
-Better furniture

This sounds dreamy. ♥️
2 years
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