Fat experiences

Help - fat neck and sleeping/snoring

Recently I've noticed that because my neck and double chin are getting bigger, I'm starting to snore more and feel the pressure of my fat on on my throat/neck when I lay in certain positions. Do any of you bigger folks have recommendations for sleep positions and solutions that are more comfortable and reduce snoring for the very large folks?
2 years

Help - fat neck and sleeping/snoring

Look into getting a CPAP.
2 years

Help - fat neck and sleeping/snoring

Sleeping on my side helps.
2 years

Help - fat neck and sleeping/snoring

I have the same issue, honestly I need to get a sleep study done because I most likely have sleep apnea and it sounds like you do too. Lots of obese people get it, I do find sleeping on my side rather than my back helps with the snoring.
2 years