
What was the first wakening to your fetish?

Watching cartoons since I was very young, when they showed characters eating a lot and putting on weight, I was very attracted to them.

However, the real revelation was to see a classmate getting very fat, it was the first time I felt really attracted to someone and I fantasized imagining how he would be even fatter, with this guy I really had an obsession although I never dared to say anything.

Most of us seem to have had similar experiences with cartoons. I wonder if the people in charge of making them were actually Fat Admirers fullfiling their dreams for the generations to come 🤔🧐
2 years

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

Cartoon for me, my revelation was the totally spies and the film l'amour extra large.
2 years

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

Not until too long ago I noticed my belly getting bigger and I realized I liked it.

But when I was younger I always wished I had a big squishy belly every now and then
2 years

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

As a kid I crushed on a BBW school bus driver in elementary school. She was cute, fat, and handled her bus like a boss. I loved to sit up front and watch her jiggle in the driver's seat as she worked the pedals, shifter, and the lever that operated the door!

Also I used to always check the Sunday newspaper ads for stores like K-mart and JC Penney which showed plus-size women modeling clothing. Spring and summer were best, since they were modeling swimsuits, tank tops, and shorts.
2 years

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

Personally, I don't view being an FA or my love for ssbbw as a fetish; it is a preference in the same way as people liking blondes, or brown eyes etc. :-)

I was always attracted to big boobs but I know exactly when I knew I liked fat women and what triggered this in me. I was 13 and walking through the woods alone found a porn mag which had a plump woman in it. She was sitting and leaning back and I still remember her belly rolls and heavy breasts. The photo had a caption "I'm a big girl with a lot of sweet inner space t fill" From that moment everything made sense! I've been an FA ever since. This awakening was in the early seventies and it was rare to find ssbbw or bbw but whenever porn mags were passed round at school I'd look out for the fat ladies or stories. There was one story where a fat women smothered to her boobs in baby lotion and rubbed them over the guy - this was amazing for me at my young age! Always have been and always will be an FA.
2 years

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

For me it's both a preference and a fetish, if that makes any sense.
2 years

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

Seeing Violet blow up in Willy Wonka when I was a kid. Probably the first time I was really turned on.

Then not until later in life about college age I started to notice and appreciate plump women.
2 years

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

The first thing that sticks out is the children's show Totally Spies which I've later learned as is hiding sooo many fetishes, so who knows if it was the chicken or the egg. Definitely wasn't the only show tho. Then I wound up dating a dude in highschool who was a little thicc and it gave me some clue of what was goin on.
2 years

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

As young as 8, I think. I was chubby and therefore bullied by colleges, siblings and parents. But I resisted I always loved my soft body, to see and to feel it.
2 years

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I'm not a gainer, but fell head over heels when I discovered a former coworker had deliberately gained 200 lbs or so. I was stunned in a good way, I let her know it, and she responded positively. Too bad she was already taken!
2 years
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