Feedback and suggestions

Why is chat now like messages you are limited if you don't pay

The chat has always had limits for members who don't have the social / combined upgrades. This is not something new and has been in place for 5 years or so.

The limits are 15 chats in a rolling 24 hour period. There are no time limits or restrictions, so you can be in main chat for as long as you like.


FF Team
2 years

Why is chat now like messages you are limited if you don't pay

FF Team:
The chat has always had limits for members who don't have the social / combined upgrades. This is not something new and has been in place for 5 years or so.

The limits are 15 chats in a rolling 24 hour period. There are no time limits or restrictions, so you can be in main chat for as long as you like.


FF Team

Not true when I was first introduced to this site back in 2004 it was free membership and was not regulated on how many chat rooms you could be in or how many people you wanted to chat with in a day

When I refer to chat, I refer to the chat that is currently in place designed by Fantasy Feeder, and not the chat interfaces that were third party applications, many many moons ago.

For clarification, the chat that has been designed by Fantasy Feeder and the only and current working chat on the site, has been in place for 5 years or so. This chat has always had the personal chat limits as described in my original post.

Hope that helps!

FF Team
2 years