Feedback and suggestions

Exclude option?

Is it possible to include an "exclude" feature for story tags? There are some things that I am not interested in, and it would make for a better browsing experience if I could simply filter them out.
2 years

Exclude option?

Hi Munchies,

Thanks for the suggestion. I can certainly pass this forward as a suggestion to the site oner for consideration.

On the story search form, you are able to filter your search by selecting the genre and, tags / themes. However this is not multiple select so depending on what you are looking then currently multiple searches may need to be done to find content.

We can certainly look into adding multiple selection on the search form to make this easier and functional search.

FF Team
2 years

Exclude option?

FF Team:
Hi Munchies,

Thanks for the suggestion. I can certainly pass this forward as a suggestion to the site oner for consideration.

On the story search form, you are able to filter your search by selecting the genre and, tags / themes. However this is not multiple select so depending on what you are looking then currently multiple searches may need to be done to find content.

We can certainly look into adding multiple selection on the search form to make this easier and functional search.

FF Team

Yes, I an aware. And I use it religiously. But, I've spent the bulk of my life on sites that has an exclude option, so this is a little jarring.
2 years