Fattening others

Gaining thighs and butt

My feedee friend would like to put on more soft fat preferably on her thighs and butt.

What should she eat to make her future fat soft ?
And how to gain weight in a specific place ?

Get her on a spin bike and keep her well fed. The spin bike is low impact and she won't lose weight like impact with running. A rich diet will fatten her up and the biking will provide a nice framing of muscle in her thighs and ass.
2 years

Gaining thighs and butt

Not sure why people think eating a certain food will make a person gain weight in a certain area.
It doesn't work that way sorry its up to the person's genetics where the fat will go.
The bike idea is worth a shot I suppose.
Will it work ? who knows?

When I started gaining a lot went to my hips,thighs and butt right off but most women on my fathers side of the family were fairly wide.
My mothers side were all busty.
So thats why I'm wide and have decent sized breasts.
Its all genetics.
2 years

Gaining thighs and butt

My feedee friend would like to put on more soft fat preferably on her thighs and butt.

What should she eat to make her future fat soft ?
And how to gain weight in a specific place ?

Get her on a spin bike and keep her well fed. The spin bike is low impact and she won't lose weight like impact with running. A rich diet will fatten her up and the biking will provide a nice framing of muscle in her thighs and ass.

Are you sure it will make her gain around her bottom area ? I'm scared that she would loose what she already has

Weight gain area depends on genetics. Your best chance for increasing thigh and butt mass is to gain muscle with biking or exercises like hip thrusts and squats. Then ensure she eats to fatten up around the muscle.
2 years