
Surprising lack of australians-

I too am surprised there aren't more Aussies or even Kiwis for that matter participating here.

Given the severity of lock downs and home confinement you folks have been going through, it seems there's not much to do in person anymore.
2 years

Surprising lack of australians-

Any ideas how we might encourage more Aussies to come here?

I'd suggest maybe some targeted advertising?

Or maybe running some surveys that if you get the right response will point people to here... You wouldn't run the survey on this site... Maybe like some sort of new fat acceptance sort of site with a survey about fat acceptance which asks things like do you enjoy getting fatter etc...

Get a few of us to do the surveys (even if not Australian) so there is some results on there that show that there are people who accept being fatter or want to get fatter on purpose...

Then if the right boxes are ticked they get a link to join here...
2 years

Surprising lack of australians-

SA Aussie girl here

also if you don't live in NSW/VIC finding anyone is near impossible and few you do find don't fit.

I found a feedee girl in NSW and I adore her but it suck so damn bad because we soo close yet so far.

I live in backwater part the world in a backwater state sucks hard

SA girl here too 😊
2 years

Surprising lack of australians-

there are probably a few reasons in addition to what has already been said to explain why aussies are a rare find here:

* australian culture is very fatphobic, as is australian media

Personally, I think this is the biggest reason. The looks you'd receive here for having anything larger than a moderate paunch are so filthy, and so deeply ingrained in automatic value judgements, that the US and even the UK are both subjected to intense ridicule by the lay-Australian. You'll often hear Australians hate on the US for being "the fat nation".
2 years

Surprising lack of australians-

... many profiles lack detail and so you have to assume the person is not real or false, or not confident to come out.

This was me until recently, for sure. It's shameful enough to feel these sorts of feelings anywhere, let alone Australia, a nation whose public mask is tall, blonde women who have a high probability of surfing because every major city stretches a coastline. We market ourselves this way. If you're fat, you aren't "toeing the line", as they like to call it in politics.
2 years

Surprising lack of australians-

Any ideas how we might encourage more Aussies to come here?

Targeted advertising. That's about it. Until Australian culture begins to shift (which I am hopeful it soon will, thanks to the post 2010's tsunami of body positivity that has the potential to reprogram our faulty ideas), until then, I don't see much hope. Diet culture is insipid in its ability to make us feel bad about ourselves, even if we ARE into fat fetishism.

You'd have to target closeted fat appreciators. But how to locate closeted fat appreciators seems like it would be a terrible task to undertake, given that for every closeted individual, they would have their own ways of masking their hidden desires.
2 years

Surprising lack of australians-

Melbourne girl here, I think it’s all been said.
2 years

Surprising lack of australians-

hey hows it going im from Oz smiley
2 years

Surprising lack of australians-

WA guy here, if anybody is out there
8 months

Surprising lack of australians-

Another Aussie guy here. From Melbourne. We’re here… just not so vocal.
8 months
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