Extreme obesity

Caring for the immobile death feedee

What about a house that keeps people growing to 1000+ and the idea is it’s funded by content documenting their growth? Just an idea 😅 There’s gotta be someway to pay for everything

I mean, maybe this is being looked at the wrong way. To maintain the confidentiality, raise funds, and allow for it to all be done; there may be an argument to run it as an experiment with published results.

I know most labs at Cambridge and Imperial
College that use animals avoid publication of details of the phd students, the prof, the post docs etc. Med studies are anonymised etc.

Further to that, data related to human extremes likely has value in a number of areas so there may be a number of avenues for funding, if not from health funds like horizon 2020, then private pharma.

Just design the experiment so that all the feedees gain in to through current bariatric tolerances for G20 health care systems and include some form of trial related to general feedee choices on how they like to gain.

Define the variables, establish a control group, include extant data for a proof of concept and you have a feedee facility, funded, doing public good and protected from prying eyes by legislation.
3 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

The only way I see managing multiple death feedees at the same time is a nursing home type setting with doctors, nurses cna’s and cleaning staff all focused on fattening the residents. Sadly that would make a good story but does not openly exist
3 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

Set up the experiment. Get it funded . Then I will gladly help.

What about a house that keeps people growing to 1000+ and the idea is it’s funded by content documenting their growth? Just an idea 😅 There’s gotta be someway to pay for everything

I mean, maybe this is being looked at the wrong way. To maintain the confidentiality, raise funds, and allow for it to all be done; there may be an argument to run it as an experiment with published results.

I know most labs at Cambridge and Imperial
College that use animals avoid publication of details of the phd students, the prof, the post docs etc. Med studies are anonymised etc.

Further to that, data related to human extremes likely has value in a number of areas so there may be a number of avenues for funding, if not from health funds like horizon 2020, then private pharma.

Just design the experiment so that all the feedees gain in to through current bariatric tolerances for G20 health care systems and include some form of trial related to general feedee choices on how they like to gain.

Define the variables, establish a control group, include extant data for a proof of concept and you have a feedee facility, funded, doing public good and protected from prying eyes by legislation.
3 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

I have been fortunate enough to help 3, people so far reach their goal of immobility. 2 of my feedees decided to move into nursing homes after becoming immobile. And the other feedee I fed until the day he died. Let the questions begin.

Realistically speaking, how much money would a person have to give you, either up front or or in their will, to make this happen?
2 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

I have been fortunate enough to help 3, people so far reach their goal of immobility. 2 of my feedees decided to move into nursing homes after becoming immobile. And the other feedee I fed until the day he died. Let the questions begin.

Realistically speaking, how much money would a person have to give you, either up front or or in their will, to make this happen?

TigerLilly is most likely just a very skilled role player
2 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

I have been fortunate enough to help 3, people so far reach their goal of immobility. 2 of my feedees decided to move into nursing homes after becoming immobile. And the other feedee I fed until the day he died. Let the questions begin.

Realistically speaking, how much money would a person have to give you, either up front or or in their will, to make this happen?

TigerLilly is most likely just a very skilled role player
She doesn't care about you she ONLY wants to send you down to hell, so she claim your money to get rich
2 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

I'll give TigerLilly credit as she has been consistent in her advice and answers during her years here. Knowing it must be hard ignoring the pleas of so many who feel they want that life/experience until that 1st sign of chest tightness or morbidity starts to show.
2 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

I had to cut my reply short, I got called into a Dr faster then expected.

Yes he was1289 pounds at the end. It took 8 years, 10 months and 6 days to get there from a starting point of 250.

I never forced him, I just enabled him. I never told him no. We averaged 10-15 pounds per month. He had no family.

To keep him clean, I and his paid staffing used a hoyer lift built into the ceiling to move him, change the bedding and put him in the shower. He did not walk at all the last 6 years. He was in diapers 24/7. He was hand fed and drank shake out of bottles. It was his idea to funnel feed him and his idea to increase from 3 to 5 meals a day.

I enabled him to live his dreams. I have many people wanting me to do the same thing to them.

He was on social security disability and he would often be on his computer ordering more food from the grocery store and this grocery store delivers to the front door of his apartment where I or his staff would bring it to him.

Everyone in his life knew what he was doing. I just kept him happy. He was happy being full.

I don’t mean to be a debbie downer but I’m currently living this life of extreme fatness immobility. I’ve been unable to stand or walk for 15 months and it’s been challenge after challenge. I use a hoyer lift as well to be moved or transferred and to have a bowel movement. I’ve struggled so much finding DME (durable medical equipment that’s rated to my weight and I’m half the size she speaks of at 1289. My hoyer is rated to 1000lbs and that’s the maximum they manufacture. The largest slings barely work for my immensity and put so much pressure on the underside of my legs I can’t imagine how they wouldn’t immediately tear the skin of someone double my weight. Additionally, diapers go up to 5xl max and they’re a joke. They just add skimpy panels to extend the parts that go around your pannus and don’t consider the rest of your bigger body. Lastly, there’s no way a 1200lb person is using a hoyer to get in the shower. I can’t fit in my oversized ada shower, lift or not. Someone that size would be regulated to bed baths only.

All that being said, I call bluff on this person. I’m sorry but I would hate for the wrong information to be put out as a learning experience that’s just fantasy fodder. I realize I’m way late into adding my opinion. But I’ve just seen it and I say that those who think this honest, to take heed. If you want to just fantasize about it, it’s all very thrilling, but it’s impossibly inaccurate if planning this for yourself or a feedee partner.

Hugs all around,
2 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

I did just find a hoyer lift that goes to 1500 but I don’t even think it’s orderable and certainly isn’t Medicare compliant. I still call bluff. :/
2 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

I have been looking at engine cranes. They are inexpensive compared to a hoyer lift and could be modified to be suitable.
2 years
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