
Begging of gluttony (fit to fat)

So...halfway there, how's that working out for you?
2 years

Begging of gluttony (fit to fat)

2 weeks in.
Daily I drink around 400-500ml (1 pint) of heavy cream. My appetite is finally starting to grow, also loving the feeling of my belly being full and warm and bloated.
Weight wise not much changed, Im around 70kg(155lb ) and my first goal is 80kg(176lb ) so..still far off goal.
My belly, ass and inner tights feel just a tiny bit softer, but im still bony. When I sit and try to pinch or poke my abbs they feel deeper and deeper in, like they are getting covered with cement. I hope to be able to see a belly without needing to sit down.
My plan is to do 2 more weeks of hc at least. I always wanted to be fat and soft and troully hope I keep the strenght and will for chasing my dream.

What do you think 2-3 months of hc daily would do to me? Im rly curious

I recommend limiting yourself to no more than 295 mL per sitting, and try to space the heavy whipping cream at least 3 1/2 hours apart. The body can only absorb about one thousand calories of fat per sitting. Your body will guide you. If you feel gastrointestinal discomfort, you might need to drink even less heavy whipping cream per sitting.

It's tough to guess how your body will respond. Everyone is different. Weight gain is not consistent, and sometimes we hit plateaus.

I can only tell you what my body would do, based on how much I gain and the amount of heavy whipping cream I drink. If I reduced my consumption of heavy whipping cream to what you are currently drinking, I think I would gain between 3 and 4 kg per month. Over 2 to 3 months, you might gain between 6 to 12 kg.

I wish you the best, and look forward to hearing about your results. Happy gaining!
2 years