
Does getting fat manifest feeders?

Over the last few months I've put on another 15lbs, and my overall gain is becoming quite visible. And it seems like it makes people around me want to feed me.

A couple I know have put on some weight over the last couple of years, her a little and him a lot. They take me out to dinner or have me over and cook for an army about once a month. If I stop by they push snacks- candy? chips? I can turn on the fryer and make you mozzarella sticks? She gave me some t-shirts aand hoodies the other day that are too small on him but give me plenty of room to grow, saying they'll be good for fall.

Lately a coworker of mine has been bringing me treats, buying me lunch, suggesting I need chocolate or to try some new snack. I think he might be trying to make me fatter. He showed up the other day with 13 king-size candy bars insisting I have one and left the other 12 stacked on the desk we share in front of my seat.

Has anyone else experienced this or am I losing my mind? As you get bigger do you find people offering you more or extra helpings?
2 years

Does getting fat manifest feeders?

Sometimes between New Years Day and May 1st, trainers at some gyms or weight loss clinics will tell their clients to befriend a fatty. Knowing they can push food onto you as some were taught from young not to waste food. Helps those with food attachment issues be able to adjust a piece at a time, until the active lifestyle sees them through and thus spending less time together.
Some don't know or see themselves as enablers but they feel good seeing others happy while eating or around food.
I have some family who don't care for fat people (but not belligerent more of an annoyance), but would feel bad when I declined their offer for Wendy's/ice cream as payback for a favor.
2 years