Feedback and suggestions

Online / website visit counter in user profile

I'm wondering if this feature is necessary.

The green icon shows you're online. I personally think that's sufficient. The last time one is online and how frequently they visit the website inadvertently gives permission for the insecure among us to almost stalk a profile and forget their manners. Not a pleasant thing to be on the receiving end of.

If I had the option, I would deselect this. I personally don't see the value it adds.

Am I alone in my thinking?
2 years

Online / website visit counter in user profile

Hi FeedMeCakex,

Thank you for your suggestion regarding the last online status.

We can certainly consider making this a feature that can be excluded via profile settings. I will pass along your suggestion.

Thank you!

FF Team
2 years

Online / website visit counter in user profile

Thank you, c00kie.
2 years

Online / website visit counter in user profile

@Wantingaplumpwife I'm sorry that happened to you.

Yes, it's not nice to have someone watching your movements. Then using them to imply you're avoiding them because they're jumping to incorrect conclusions about your activity and getting upset about a fact they made up in their own head!
2 years

Online / website visit counter in user profile


Anyhow I derailed a bit off topic. My apologies, I hope this is remedied to hopefully make your life a little easier on here. ☺️

@Wantingaplumpwife sometimes the best conversations are those that go on a tangent 😊 Thank you for sharing your experience and for your kind words.
2 years

Online / website visit counter in user profile

2 years