
Wish i know what others were thinking

You don't really actually want to know what others are thinking. This very topic/trope has been explored in all sorts of science fiction stuff. Folks often think about things they have no intention of ever actually doing, and then folks often do things without really thinking much. The average person probably has a LOT of weird, strange, or even highly disturbing off-the-wall thoughts in any given day. So, just saying.

That said, I do know what you mean. I've at times wondered about this too.

There have been some rare occasions where I witness something and I just can't help but think some sort of feederism things are going on. Even if the folks involved don't know the terms for it, or that there's entire online communities about it.

But no, typically the closest thing I've noticed is someone who is obese and either doesn't mind, just likes to eat, or has accepted and resigned to being big forever.
2 years

Wish i know what others were thinking

I mean if we just figured out a code word or something that only those who do end up "fat" on purpose would only know.

U could always ask someone are you a feedee tho but it might be a bit.. Well awkward
2 years

Wish i know what others were thinking

Over the years on different forums, the topic of a symbol we could share to communicate this to others has bounced around. Obviously nothing has stuck yet, but I totally love the idea.
2 years