

Too much thats why I'm fat.
I have been told that LOLOL
2 years


Thanks !! LOLOL
2 years


Too much thats why I'm fat.
I have been told that LOLOL

Best answer yet ;-) I think all of us with big bellies on here can say the same thing!
2 years


For the past week or so I've been making shakes with melted ice cream and chocolate milk on top of eating fast food and snack cakes. I never knew how good melted ice cream tasted mixed with chocolate milk! I first used Neapolitan ice cream but now I'm using my personal favorite cookies and cream. My stomach is starting to stick out more and I can tell I've been gaining again thankfully. I want to get a blender soon and get mass gainer and mix it with the ice cream and chocolate milk.
2 years

2 years


I typically eat fruit for breakfast, a light lunch (meat, rice, and/or veggies), and baked chicken with vegetables for dinner.

Oh yeah, I and drink about 10 fluid ounces of heavy whipping cream followed by some juice as a chaser. I do this 4 times per day smiley.
2 years