
Anyone else start off really small?

I weighed 166 pounds when I decided to start gaining with heavy whipping cream. I currently weigh 255 pounds, and am still gaining.
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I started 135 lbs... now i'm 210 but i wanna gain more and more
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

Back when I finally got the courage to do something about it, I was only around 125 lbs and that was several years ago. Yes, I know that's horribly small. Long story how that happened. Up to about 172 now as of this writing, so that's 47 more. It's certainly been easier said than done.

I definitely like the extra mass and I feel better, but I still need more. I'd really like to get up to over 202 though I don't think I wish to stop there. It sounds arbitrary but that's the point where I'd be heavier than the average American man aged 20-59, so that'd be a certain psychological satisfaction.

As of this writing, my longer term goal is either 250, or a higher weight than my future wife, or a higher BMI than my future wife, whichever is heaviest.
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I struggled w/ anorexia for ages growing up. When I finally just embraced what I wanted I weighed about 126 lbs which, at my height, was a BMI of around 18 for context. I'm 200 lbs now so... CLEARLY it's possible to move up and beyond what you think you can. lol. 😅
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I was at 233 when i was 18 years old so 10 years ago and then after i stopped playing football i had dropped 50 lbs in 5 months before i started baseball season and i did that by changing what i ate and i would join the wrestling team practices but i didnt actually wrestle i just did the conditioning and i became a different person lookswise, 10 years later and the lowest weight i had got to was 165-170 I’m up to 250-260 right now ever since the start of last year. I first started to notice a difference when i was at 190 and i have just been Gorging myself more and more since. I didn’t do it on purpose until i started outgrowing all my clothes now i only have a couple of things that fit me that I’ve had to pick up here and there it’s a struggle to find stuff that I’m comfortable in
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

Thanks for giving us Amazing info.

Tea Burn Reviews

Exipure Reviews
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

My gain has been a series of plateaus through the years. In my 20s, it was 140. In my 30s, it was 170. Here in my 40s, it’s 200 :-) Currently hovering at 200 or so and hoping I can stay above it :-) I love having a belly for my wife to stroke :-) She’s about 330, so she’s good! :-)
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I struggled w/ anorexia for ages growing up. When I finally just embraced what I wanted I weighed about 126 lbs which, at my height, was a BMI of around 18 for context. I'm 200 lbs now so... CLEARLY it's possible to move up and beyond what you think you can. lol. 😅

Awesome-sounding progress :-) You are quite lovely at your new weight!
2 years
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