

So i also been into fat people and just the idea of being fat. Now im close to moving out and deciding if i want to go through with it. I feel like i should because i dont think it would be good for my mental health if i hold back on something i really desire but im also worried about what other people would say and how it would affect my relationship with family and friends. And ideas on what i should do?
2 years


I say go ahead and dip your toes in. Gain a little weight and see how you feel afterwards. Your family might say something if you keep gaining and it becomes noticeable but you can just tell them that you’re working on it. Eventually they might stop making comments about it and just come to terms with your weight gain.
2 years


Thats what im thinking thanks for the reply!!
2 years


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like maybe you want to be talked into it. That's not a bad thing, and it's extremely common.

On one hand, you won't get huge overnight, so experimenting with a smaller gain is a good idea. However, you should also be thinking about your feelings regarding what people will say. I don't know how much you want to gain, but people may very well view you differently if you really fatten up.

Think about how fat you dream of being and then imagine what it would be like to be that way all the time.
2 years


I wouldn't overthink it too much. Lots of people gain weight when they move out and get older. Just the natural progression of things.

Try a starter gain, perhaps 10% of your current weight. See whether it is hard for you to gain, see whether you like the process of eating a lot, see if you like the results you get. See whether you can keep the gain for a few months (seems like a lot of early gainers can't maintain the gain)

Then you can decide if you want to gain another 10%, etc.

Point is, people don't gain 100lbs in a month, it isn't like you're committing to be morbidly obese by tomorrow (although it isn't called "fantasy" feeder for nothing is it now).
2 years