
Weight gain and diabetes

I've been recently diagnosed with Diabetes. I shouldn't be surprised as I've been actively gaining for the past few months and have gained about 30 pounds and weigh more than I ever have. I absolutely love packing on the pounds and really want to continue. Wondering if other gainers have found ways to balance their diabetes with weight gain. I'd love to hear some thoughts on this.
2 years

Weight gain and diabetes

I have diabetes and I love gaining weight. It depends on what you eat. I can stuff my belly with mashed potatoes and it doesn't affect my blood sugar levels. Heavy cream doesn't have a lot of sugar or carbs. So look at the labels on what you want to eat. And don't forget you medicine 😊
2 years

Weight gain and diabetes

So initially don't worry about gaining, just maintain until you get your blood sugar numbers under control.

Once you've got the meds figured out you can start figuring out the boundaries for what you can do to start gaining again. Everyone is a bit different, some people need to just watch their sugar intake, others have more serious restrictions.

I've gained about 70 pounds since being diagnosed, it's very doable but don't expect it to be as fast as your previous gains.
2 years

Weight gain and diabetes

Ky Belly Boy:
I have diabetes and I love gaining weight. It depends on what you eat. I can stuff my belly with mashed potatoes and it doesn't affect my blood sugar levels. Heavy cream doesn't have a lot of sugar or carbs. So look at the labels on what you want to eat. And don't forget you medicine 😊
Thanks for the positive thoughts. Guess I'll have to educate myself a little more.
2 years

Weight gain and diabetes

I've been recently diagnosed with Diabetes. I shouldn't be surprised as I've been actively gaining for the past few months and have gained about 30 pounds and weigh more than I ever have. I absolutely love packing on the pounds and really want to continue. Wondering if other gainers have found ways to balance their diabetes with weight gain. I'd love to hear some thoughts on this.

So obviously there is concern that you should be watching your diet. There are a number of options if you want to try reverse it. Your endocrinologist will be able to advise you of some changes you can make and also some pharmacological routes.

What i can say is that you may be lucky enough to be able to lose weight and regain in a healthier way. Not a heavy sugar, high visceral gain manner.

This is a hobby to a lot of us and just like others there can be “injuries” that require a step back but that doesn't mean you cant get back on it later after some recovery. Consider that if this was a power lifting forum a whole bunch of members would be on a upward path when they blow out their back or knees. Consider the route to recovery then get back in to it in a safer way or, if its an option, keep at it in a safer way
2 years

Weight gain and diabetes

So initially don't worry about gaining, just maintain until you get your blood sugar numbers under control.

Once you've got the meds figured out you can start figuring out the boundaries for what you can do to start gaining again. Everyone is a bit different, some people need to just watch their sugar intake, others have more serious restrictions. Appreciate your response. Glad to know it can still be done. Right now I've started glibozide to get Blood Sugar under control. Seems to be working, but might need to increase dose. Have you had any issues during your gain.

I've gained about 70 pounds since being diagnosed, it's very doable but don't expect it to be as fast as your previous gains.
2 years

Weight gain and diabetes

I take multiple medications that increase the risk of diabetes, so I've always been sure to watch how I feel and pay attention for any prediabetic symptoms. I've been lucky so far but wouldn't be surprised if it's in my future one day.
2 years

Weight gain and diabetes

I've been recently diagnosed with Diabetes. I shouldn't be surprised as I've been actively gaining for the past few months and have gained about 30 pounds and weigh more than I ever have. I absolutely love packing on the pounds and really want to continue. Wondering if other gainers have found ways to balance their diabetes with weight gain. I'd love to hear some thoughts on this. I'm at that stage right now. Right now I'm on a lose dose of Glibizide, along with Metforman. It's brought my numbers down somewhat but I imagine I'll have to increase the dosage of Glibizide soon.

I learned I have Diabetes yesterday. I've been gaining pretty well lately and am about to pass 300 pounds, so this diagnosis came as a blow, although I'm not really surprised.

I'm glad you asked this here because I'm not ready to stop gaining just when it's getting really good. My Dr. prescribed medication and I'm to see her in a month to see how it's working. I hope it helps.
2 years

Weight gain and diabetes

I'm an unmedicated diabetic and an ex-gainer. My diabetes is diet controlled.

It is entirely possible to gain without making yourself sick. You just have switch up your diet.

For example, avocados, nuts, high-fat fish, and milk are all good ways to gain weight without spiking your a1c. It's just that it won't be as fast eating donuts and cakes.
2 years