
Fancy helping out on the site? new moderators needed!

I would absolutely love to help out! I'm very active in chat and writing stories and have experience moderating internet communities. I'd like to throw my hat in the ring.

Also, I'm currently working from home and have basically unlimited spare time, and I love this site and want it to be the best it can be.
2 years

Fancy helping out on the site? new moderators needed!

I would be very interested. I am here a ton anyway. I might as well help the site that has given me so much. 😊
2 years

Fancy helping out on the site? new moderators needed!

Hi all,

A big thank you to everyone who has got in touch. I have sent some messages out today so keep your eye out for those. If anyone else is interested do please make a post here on the forum thread and I will get in touch as soon as I can.

Take care,
FF Team
2 years

Fancy helping out on the site? new moderators needed!

Hi i would love to get involved
2 years

Fancy helping out on the site? new moderators needed!

Sure, why not.

Especially if it's a story mod. We got people posting things who don't know how to use the space bar and uh, yeah. I think we can do a whole lot better in that department.

Dear god yes the story section needs help. Reposts and crimes against language galore. That and straight up spam from a few select people.
2 years

Fancy helping out on the site? new moderators needed!

Still need mods? I'd be down.
2 years

Fancy helping out on the site? new moderators needed!

The Donut King:
Still need mods? I'd be down.

Thank you for offering to help moderate the site. We do now have a full mod team, but can certainly keep you in mind for the future.

2 years
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