Extreme obesity

He carrys his belly on a trolly - wow

As much as I dislike these sensationalized weight loss shows, I have to say that that was a very impressive gut! I would totally use a walker to cart my belly around if I had to. The guy said that he was around 644 pounds when his belly was that large. To be honest, 640 pounds doesn’t sound that crazy to me. I am around 410 now but I could totally see myself packing on another 250 pounds under the right circumstances!

certainly was, id love to be that stretched out must admit

I have seen several guts like this and at one point mine hung but this is a level of fatness that even I might be nervous of because that is when you are no longer yourself; the fat and tour addiction had taken completely over. 🐽🐽🐖🐖
2 years

He carrys his belly on a trolly - wow

Must admit - people always ask how low id like my belly well this is fairly close - see about 15:20 into the video &t=960s

and this nice lady simply wow! - 2 mins in

That is crazy
2 years

He carrys his belly on a trolly - wow

I love these shows too much lol. i love shows like my 600 lb life because I like to imagine how it'll be when I'm their size. Their bellies before their surgery inspire me seeing them so big
2 years

He carrys his belly on a trolly - wow

Must admit - people always ask how low id like my belly well this is fairly close - see about 15:20 into the video &t=960s

and this nice lady simply wow! - 2 mins in

That is crazy

I agree. His belly is about the way I would love mine to look.
2 years

He carrys his belly on a trolly - wow

I could never have gone on a TV show at my heaviest.
I am sure they are paid to do so but there is no way I could do that.
Its way too personal.
2 years

He carrys his belly on a trolly - wow

Humiliation is another thing I find strange but people can have whatever kink they want.
I have been humiliated in public for being fat so to me that hurts deeply.
For a loved one to tease and humiliate someone just seems cruel.
2 years

He carrys his belly on a trolly - wow

If you are into it who am I to judge?
I know there are lots of kinks and if they are something you indulge it have fun with it.
2 years

He carrys his belly on a trolly - wow

I could never have gone on a TV show at my heaviest.
I am sure they are paid to do so but there is no way I could do that.
Its way too personal.

I know right! You'd probably lose all privacy in your life afterwards.
2 years

He carrys his belly on a trolly - wow

The way cultures treat fat people is really baffling.

America is full of big people, but the default attitude seems to be cruelty. People go out of their way to hurt others, and justify it to themselves by saying it's all for "your health."

Whereas Japan is statistically one of the "skinniest" countries, but there's a sort of fat acceptance where if someone keeps getting bigger and bigger, people stop trying to get them to lose weight.

So TV spots about fat people in Japan actually become more positive. The tone isn't "This person is so miserable and ugly, let's improve them!"
But, "Can you believe how huge this person is? Wow!"

The result might seem like a "circus fat lady" scenario, but the result feels like they're showing off and celebrating obesity in a strange way. Certainly alien to America or Britain, despite their greater statistic population of big people.
2 years