Feedback and suggestions

Story cover pic specifications?

Used to be that the FF story covers had thumbnails which on a full computer were 240pxW x 180pxH. The main picture on the story page was 800pxW x 201pxH.

What i think i’m seeing now:
* Thumbnail: 180pxW x 272pxH, more like a paperback book cover

* No pic on the story page

Is this correct?

What is the preferred/optimum pixel dimensions for story cover art on FF?

~ Thanks ~
2 years

Story cover pic specifications?

Hi Jiggle Junkie,

What your seeing is correct, so not to worry!

We changed the thumbnail size to make the thumbnails appear more like a book cover. We also made the decision to remove the cover art on the chapter pages themselves.

Please note that the optimum story art size is: 1280 x 720 pixels or larger.

Hope this helps!

FF Team
2 years

Story cover pic specifications?

FF Team:
Hi Jiggle Junkie,

What your seeing is correct, so not to worry!

We changed the thumbnail size to make the thumbnails appear more like a book cover. We also made the decision to remove the cover art on the chapter pages themselves.

Please note that the optimum story art size is: 1280 x 720 pixels or larger.

Hope this helps!

FF Team

Definitely helps—thanks! One followup:

Is the preferred size 1280 horizontal x 720 vertical (landscape orientation), or 1280 vertical x 720 horizontal (portrait orientation)?

I would guess the latter, to make it more like a book cover, but i’m not sure and would rather not guess.
2 years

Story cover pic specifications?

Hi Jiggle Junkie,

The dimensions above refer to a landscape image. The whole story cover is comprised of the story art, and a background colour to overlay the title and author derails. So the dimensions I gave would make the story cover look like the FF default story cover, which I will show below.

The new story thumbnail image code works in a way that whatever image is uploaded it can be resized to make sure that it looks like a book cover. It automatically adds the story title and authors name to the thumbnail and puts this on a coloured border (which also changes height based on image size and also title length)

Because everyone uses different images some story covers do come out differently. Some as full page images, some with a smaller title and author name section. But it can work and i feel looks a little nicer than the default... like the examples below.

To be completely honest I do not know the dimensions of the pictures these authors are using, so if you would prefer a different look to the default then it would be a matter of playing around with the images and sizes to find something that suits what you are looking for. I may have a go at this myself too.

See below the default image, and some other images that look full size and a smaller background color area that work quite well.

Hope this helps!

FF Team
2 years