
Has anyone else here on this site had unpleasant experiences with toxic and harassing people?

I had an unpleasant experience a few weeks ago with a guy who insisted on roleplaying, I did not want to, because the guy had very extreme fetishes, and the truth was quite scary, I reported it and left me alone, it is the first time I get someone so annoying, have you had experiences like this on this site?
2 years

Has anyone else here on this site had unpleasant experiences with toxic and harassing people?

Yes i have came across a couple
2 years

Has anyone else here on this site had unpleasant experiences with toxic and harassing people?

Often. Not as much as some people as I tend to keep to myself. But when I venture out to the greater population on here? Oh yeah.

You did the right thing standing your ground and reporting that person. Not everyone on here is like this, but there are a handful of people who are.
2 years