Feedback and suggestions

Location of personal ads

Dear moderators. I have one personal ad on here, which I post and repost at the rate of approx once every two weeks in two forums. Those forums are the "personal ads" and the "submission and domination" forums. A few weeks ago I got this email

"please stop. Please stop spamming two separate forums with your personals. You've probably pissed off anyone that might have potentially been interested"

I am a bit worried by this: firstly, this is actually a place for personal ads and secondly my frequency and span was hardly spamming. Can you please tell me which, if any, lines have been crossed and how I best address this?
2 years

Location of personal ads


Thanks for getting in touch regarding posting in the forums.

Can I ask if the message you received was from a member of the site, or moderator of the site?

You do not need to be worried about the frequency of your personal ad postings. I would advise that posts of this nature do stay in the personals ad forum regardless if the ad has specific interested such as BDSM.

We do realise that the personal ad forum does need a little revamp to ensure its a useful tool for site members. We have considered splitting the personal ad thread into sub sections such as, friendships, sexual, online only, etc... so hopefully this will be a update that is implemented when we next get round to working on the forum section.

Hope this helps, but do let me know if you have any further questions.

FF Team
2 years

Location of personal ads

Can I ask if the message you received was from a member of the site, or moderator of the site?

It was from a member of the site
2 years

Location of personal ads

I would advise that posts of this nature do stay in the personals ad forum regardless if the ad has specific interested such as BDSM.

From this I would assume that the personal ad is OK to put in the "personal ads" forum, but not in the "submission and domination" forum A pity (especially when you consider the other postings there), but there y'go.

Thank you for your time
2 years