Fat experiences

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

My belt is on the last loop now :-) It won’t last much longer as my waist gets rounder!

I just hit the last hole on both my belts yesterday. I was like "might as well buy a bigger one now, it's only a matter of time" lol
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

With me, a couple days ago... I put on a pair of swim trunks and found they'd barely fit.
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

When I fattened up, I wanted it to be obvious to everyone, so I started wearing tighter clothes. When I bought shirts and tried them on, I would sit down in them to make sure the buttons would gap just a little bit.

I like the way clothes look and feel now that I'm fatter. When clothes are more snug, it reminds me of how fat I am now and I enjoy imagining what people must think seeing me slowly waddle by. And going to the beach is a lot more fun now smiley

This is how I’m getting to think. Most of my pants and shorts, between 40-42s, have the stretch waistband, with some of them still being snug. I have one pair of very nice very snug black dress pants in size 40. They’re difficult to close, but I can. My belly hangs over a bit, which I love.

My shirts are 17-17 1/2 and still fit in the belly, but it’s getting close again. They measure about 50” from seam to seam at the midsection, my belly is 48”. Just for fun I may buy one or two inexpensive shirts in a smaller size and wear snug pants or shorts so that when I go shopping or stop at a diner or restaurant it really shows off my belly.

There was a time when people would make fun of fat people or give weird looks, but with the “obesing” of America, you get hardly a glance. But still, I like the feeling. I’m not ashamed to say it’s a turn on.
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

Since this covid thing everything I own has gotten tight.
My skirt waistbands are stretched just about as far as they will go.
My PJs barely fit and just roll down at the waist.
Had to break out some of my old fat jeans because 28s were just too hard to button and not comfy at all when I sit down.
Back in the 4 and 5X tops now too.

Love your new pic….and all of your commentary and input!
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

Not pants story, but shirts.

I have long preferred to wear knit shirts, even before I got fat. A couple days ago, I got a button-up shirt as a gift in 3XLT, which is what I wear in knit shirts. On an empty stomach and standing up, the buttons were gapping slightly. If I sat down, they'd be on the verge of popping. After a nice meal, they'd probably pop.

I'll keep the shirt.
2 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

I was going to a wedding, but my nice black jeans that fit last fall are tight at my hips. They were straight 56s.
2 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

This is honestly almost a monthly occurrence for me now. Luckily I thrift all my clothes so it’s not terribly expensive but still, I’ve popped shorts buttons 4 times this summer, and twice was in public.
2 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

This is honestly almost a monthly occurrence for me now. Luckily I thrift all my clothes so it’s not terribly expensive but still, I’ve popped shorts buttons 4 times this summer, and twice was in public.

That’s kinda hot, I have to admit :-)
2 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

I’ve ripped a pair of jeans and two pajama bottoms since quarantine. I’ve gone from size 8 jeans to a snug 12. (20+ pounds gained.)

I’ve been a size 6-8 my whole life and am having a hard time saying goodbye to all the clothes I’ve accumulated over the years. But the new belly and softness is...nice. Not sure I’m ready to give them up.

I find it so hard to accept it when I outgrow clothes but pants are particularly unforgiving.
1 week

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

I’ve ripped a pair of jeans and two pajama bottoms since quarantine. I’ve gone from size 8 jeans to a snug 12. (20+ pounds gained.)

I’ve been a size 6-8 my whole life and am having a hard time saying goodbye to all the clothes I’ve accumulated over the years. But the new belly and softness is...nice. Not sure I’m ready to give them up.

Glitter Jelly:
I find it so hard to accept it when I outgrow clothes but pants are particularly unforgiving.

Look at sizing up as an opportunity to find new cute clothes. It certainly helped me when I had to size up. Also, certain fits, cuts, and materials are more forgiving than others. SO you may be able to keep certain things for a bit longer.
1 week
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