Feedback and suggestions

Custom gender on our profile

Having better gender labels or custom genders is a great idea.

However, people will gloss over things all the same.
2 years

Custom gender on our profile

Like what exactly?
Why don't you put what you feel fits you the best and leave it at that?
2 years

Custom gender on our profile

You got to admit that it can be a bit limiting. Especially since there are people that identify outside of the traditional gender binary.

It's nice that this site has options besides "male" and "female" - specifically "transgender" and "no gender." But that doesn't consider the various other gender expressions like being genderfluid or NB.

The immediate concern might be the filtering options. However, if you expand the gender options to include the more common genders and then have an "other" category with free text, that should fix it.
2 years

Custom gender on our profile

Glad to see this discussion returning (types the gender blurry individual). Maybe there will be sufficient traction this time for a change.

This site is old though.

Welcome to FF, Singing Llama.

I’m curious: is there something about the site that makes it seem old? Or are you noting its history of having been around since 2003?
2 years

Custom gender on our profile

I agree, there needs to be more options. It was disheartening to see the option "transgender" just sitting there with no nonbinary option aside from "no gender" like... very few people identify as "transgender" alone. What are they transitioning into? It's less inclusive than "nonbinary" and somehow even more unspecific. And "no gender" I appreciate being there, but "transgender" and "no gender" with the very obvious option of "nonbinary" being unavailable was weird.

I selected "male" because that fits the bill enough, but I'd have preferred the option to type something.

In the name of making things easier to sort, they could maybe add an option for people to type their gender beneath one of the big, easily-sortable pre-selected genders on their profile. For specificity. That way it's harder for people to miss and you can still loosely sort profiles by gender. idk, just an idea
2 years