
Can you feel yourself gaining weight?

I'd love to feel myself growing
2 years

Can you feel yourself gaining weight?

I think the feeling of gaining weight is the most pleasurable part of the whole process. That comfortable feeling in the butt when I sit down and my belly pressing down into my lap and forcing my legs apart.
2 years

Can you feel yourself gaining weight?

I’ve felt my clothes grow tighter after eating a huge meal. It’s a very erotic sensation.... 😍

2 years

Can you feel yourself gaining weight?

Im not sure, but i can definitely feel that i have gained! My bellybutton now has a soft layer of fat, because I'm eating too much. But I'd definitely want to gain more, faster and maybe even with the help ofna feeder lady
2 years

Can you feel yourself gaining weight?

oh yess i defintly feel it and i like it getting fatter and less and less capable to walk long mmmmm
2 years

Can you feel yourself gaining weight?

Lately I can feel my clothes are tighter and at the end of the day I can't wait to get out of them and into sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt.

My underwear's elastics leave deeper red marks and it's very uncomfortable.

I know I shouldn't do that, as I've read wearing loose clothes around the house makes you more likely to gain weight.

This explains why many people working from home during the pandemia only found out they had gained a significant amount of weight when they couldn't fit into their old work clothes...

With each change of season I have to go through my wardrobe to see what still fits and what doesn't. This is a bit depressing.

Aw, it’ll be just fine. With each bigger size, it’s just another step toward accepting yourself as beautiful :-)
2 years

Can you feel yourself gaining weight?

Lately I can feel my clothes are tighter and at the end of the day I can't wait to get out of them and into sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt.

My underwear's elastics leave deeper red marks and it's very uncomfortable.

I know I shouldn't do that, as I've read wearing loose clothes around the house makes you more likely to gain weight.

This explains why many people working from home during the pandemia only found out they had gained a significant amount of weight when they couldn't fit into their old work clothes...

With each change of season I have to go through my wardrobe to see what still fits and what doesn't. This is a bit depressing.

Looking at your pictures, you look so much better with the extra weight. You should not worry. Just accept it and enjoy the ride. You may need to buy bigger clothes from time to time but so what? Love yourself.
2 years

Can you feel yourself gaining weight?

Currently I'm underweight and last week I decided so start gaining and I feel a little bit softer now. I ate all day long and it feels like my skin is to tight for the amount of food in my belly. And I felt that on the next morning too. It even hurts on my back. But that feeling is nice. It makes me softer and softer!
2 years

Can you feel yourself gaining weight?

Oh yes I can tell when I have put on a few lbs.
Under my arms, my inner thighs and my butt. Those areas is where I notice gains first.
Recently I noticed the fat roll above my butt has grown a bit making pants and skirts fit tighter.
2 years

Can you feel yourself gaining weight?

For me it's not so much feeling heavier, but feeling tighter. Clothes bunch up and cover less, hug parts more. Legs rub together, arms rise slightly with under arm fat, and can reach less of my also-widening back. The gut obviously makes reaching toes and feet harder. Rings and bracelets press into the skin, before they can't fit at all.
2 years
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