Fat experiences

I got stuck!!

Where did you get stuck? Did you get out or did you have to get some help?
2 years

I got stuck!!

Haha yes I had to have a friend come help me lol

I fantasize about this often! ❤️😁 Where and how did you get stuck?
2 years

I got stuck!!

Restaurant booths are my biggest challenge. When dining out with my mother and sister, I gotten stuck in a booth; but managed to get out.
2 years

I got stuck!!

Anything smaller than a large car is typically too small for me. Not just by fat, but also by height. Booths are sometimes impossible, even when I'm by myself and can move the table.
2 years

I got stuck!!

Restaurant booths are my biggest challenge. When dining out with my mother and sister, I gotten stuck in a booth; but managed to get out.

Wish I was there.
2 years

I got stuck!!

Wow yeah, it's a wonder to behold

Imagine the sound of soft skin and more than two hundred extra pounds of blubber squeezing against a bathtub. Soft womanly panting and grunting. A sweet innocent call, "HONEYYYYY!"

I know that cute tone of voice, it means she's having "fat girl problems."

She got stuck in the tub and I needed to pry her out. We both started laughing together.
1 year

I got stuck!!

One of my good friends from college would always put on 70 lbs. or more whenever she got pregnant. Watching her fatten up all over within a 9 month period was always so pleasurable. Her husband said he needed a crane to get her in and out of their bathtub as it was impossible for her to get up and out by herself. One time when we were at a local restaurant, she barely could slide into the booth and once in was not able to get out. Her belly had swollen even more from the big meal we shared and we had to call the manager to loosen the booth seat so we could slide it back to free her. She was embarrassed but I for one thought it was incredibly hot.
1 year