
Bigger you get

Has anyone noticed that the fatter you get the more food you want? It appears that weight gain and an increased appetite go hand in hand.
2 years

Bigger you get

Yes definitely
2 years

Bigger you get

Of course as you get fatter you will require more calories just to maintain your weight. However if you overeat regularly, your stomach will expand and allow greater capacity. That coupled with a snacking habit which keeps you full throughout the day will have the desired results!
2 years

Bigger you get

Very true, kind of difficult to eat normal portion sizes now without still feeling hungry
2 years

Bigger you get

Leptin resistance also can happen as we gain weight. Leptin is essentially responsible for giving us the message when we've had enough to eat. When it isn't working properly, we don't get that message.
2 years

Bigger you get

I definitely feel as though I am much more likely to snack and crave indulgent foods then I did before .. I think a big part of that is the acceptance that comes with embracing my weight gain though
2 years

Bigger you get

Has anyone noticed that the fatter you get the more food you want? It appears that weight gain and an increased appetite go hand in hand.

That coupled with the fact, the fatter you get the more excited you get which makes you want to eat more to get fatter. Eat, get turned on, eat more, get turned on……until you need so much as mentioned stuffing the increasing gut and desire…..will make you fatter than you ever imagined!
2 years

Bigger you get

Of course as you get fatter you will require more calories just to maintain your weight. However if you overeat regularly, your stomach will expand and allow greater capacity. That coupled with a snacking habit which keeps you full throughout the day will have the desired results!

When I was 200-lbs. I began to eat more and snack in between food. I continue to snack some more. The more you weigh; the more food that you will consume.
2 years

Bigger you get

However if you overeat regularly, your stomach will expand and allow greater capacity.

pretty sure this was my downfall. after my first year of "letting go" and indulging, i found it really impossible to control my portions. i was always hungry when i tried!
2 years