
Confident feedees

One of the most attractive things is when a fat woman loves every part of herself and is confident in who she is. Women who will eat and eat until their bellies are stuffed completely full, and don’t feel and ounce of guilt about it. Women who feel even more beautiful with a full plump belly because they are enjoying themselves. Women who look in the mirror at their own large soft frame and think “I’m gorgeous” despite most of the world trying to convince them otherwise. Women who believe it is fully within their right to indulge and to take up space. These big beautiful badass women are the most attractive people in the world to me.
2 years

Confident feedees

Yep. My wife will sometimes catch sight of herself sideways in a mirror and go “look at the size of my belly!” I don’t think she really likes it but she loves food too much and knows it drives me wild so accepts she is gradually getting bigger. Suits me just fine 😁
2 years

Confident feedees

One of the most attractive things is when a fat woman loves every part of herself and is confident in who she is. Women who will eat and eat until their bellies are stuffed completely full, and don’t feel and ounce of guilt about it. Women who feel even more beautiful with a full plump belly because they are enjoying themselves. Women who look in the mirror at their own large soft frame and think “I’m gorgeous” despite most of the world trying to convince them otherwise. Women who believe it is fully within their right to indulge and to take up space. These big beautiful badass women are the most attractive people in the world to me.

I, too; don't feel an ounce of guilt about it. When I became a feedee, I would eat and eat until I was full and fat. As soon as I passed the 200-lb. mark, I became more confident with the massive amount of food that I would intake. After my indulgence, I would rub and pat my big round belly; not only in satisfaction. But in confidence. The world can say likewise about your weight. The fatter I am; the more confident of a feedee I am.
2 years

Confident feedees

As someone who has been fit the majority of my life, I thought getting fat would mean less attention.

Absolutely not what has happened. I have more interest than I have time for and I attribute that to my confidence.

And I think sex has gotten even better. It’s more primal. The way men touch my whole body now where when I was skinny they were more prone to just tits and ass. It’s absolutely amazing and one reason I’d never want to be skinny again.

I really really wish all fat women could understand the power that they have.
2 years

Confident feedees

One of the most attractive things is when a fat woman loves every part of herself and is confident in who she is. Women who will eat and eat until their bellies are stuffed completely full, and don’t feel and ounce of guilt about it. Women who feel even more beautiful with a full plump belly because they are enjoying themselves. Women who look in the mirror at their own large soft frame and think “I’m gorgeous” despite most of the world trying to convince them otherwise. Women who believe it is fully within their right to indulge and to take up space. These big beautiful badass women are the most attractive people in the world to me.

I, too; don't feel an ounce of guilt about it. When I became a feedee, I would eat and eat until I was full and fat. As soon as I passed the 200-lb. mark, I became more confident with the massive amount of food that I would intake. After my indulgence, I would rub and pat my big round belly; not only in satisfaction. But in confidence. The world can say likewise about your weight. The fatter I am; the more confident of a feedee I am.

Happy for you 🙂
2 years