FF Team:
Hi Munchies,
Thanks for getting in touch about this. I am very sorry this you experienced this. It is a chat bug that we are aware of and have been trying to fix.
As of yet we have been unable to replicate the issue, and are unable to 'test'because it happens sporadically. Can you give any further information about what happened / what you were doing on the chat?
Had the chat reset, were you about to click on opening a private chat with someone else, were you typing a reply, changing chat settings... any further information about this will be extremely helpful.
This is not something that should be happening, and we agree, it's a bug that needs to be fixed asap. Your privacy is of the upmost importance, and any help you or anyone else this may have happened to would be appreciated so we can get this sorted.
FF Team
I wad chatting with a friend of my in a private chat. The screen froze up for a moment. I stopped typing because sometimes chat freezes and switches back to the main chat. And if you aren't careful, whatever you type will end up in the main chat. (By the way, this is another bug that you need to fix.)
As soon as chat unfroze, I expected to see the usual main chat in general. But instead, I saw a private conversation between two other users. I didn't look very closely because I'm not a terrible person. But from what I noticed, it was a conversation that happened about an hour or two ago at the time. I could see both participants as well. I had the option to scroll up and respond as well.
It is extremely irresponsible of you that I had to find out about the bug this way. You provided no notification about this at all. And if you did, you didn't put it anywhere someone could see it.
Judging by the kinds of messages I get, a lot of other people don't know this either. Where you planning on saying nothing and just fix it quietly?