
Daily heavy cream shakes... does it get easier after awhile?

So, of course I've tried this before. Making various heavy cream shakes I can either sip/chug, or even funnel.

But every time, I tend to burn out and it feels kind of insurmountable after the 3rd or 4th day, maybe the 5th day. But of course, I want the kinds of results that many others have reported - the delayed effect, the substantially enhanced appetite, even stronger cravings for calorie laden food in general, etc.

So, if you've been able to keep this up for awhile, day after day after day in a row, if or when does it get easier again? At some point, could it even become a nightly ritual, where it becomes unusual not to have this before going to sleep?

I say it's feels kind of insurmountable, but it's not actually, just seems harder. I feel like I could tough it out for awhile, especially if I had reason to think it'd get easier at some point.

It also doesn't help that I've kind of plateau'd a bit, undergoing what seems like a very, very, very slow gain which is somewhat frustrating. Only been up about 5 lbs since the start of this year. Had really hoped I'd be 200+ lbs by the start of this summer but, I missed that.
2 years

Daily heavy cream shakes... does it get easier after awhile?

I have never managed to do it truly long term because I am too busy, but it does get easier even in a short period of time if you do it right.

I used to have a terrible tolerance for cream, the first time I attempted to drink it, I almost gagged repeatedly while forcing it down and then threw up shortly afterwards - a real shame, as it meant the whole ordeal was for nothing.

The trick to getting your body used to cream so it becomes easier to drink is to start small and mix it with something. This should be done at the start of each gaining cycle, not just the first time you try cream. If you don't do this the cream will be miserable, in my experience.

You could start smaller or larger depending on your needs, but I usually start with a small shake made of half a cup of cream + half a cup of ice cream, and when I can comfortably drink that (usually almost immediately), I move up to a 3/4 cup of each ingredient in the shake, and then when that is comfortable to a shake with one cup cream and one cup ice cream. In my opinion you do not really need a bigger shake than that, you just need to eat plenty throughout the day before you drink it.

The goal should be to have eaten at least enough calories to maintain your weight, preferably more, even without the cream. That makes it less likely to upset your stomach and increases the amount of total calories you’re having.
2 years

Daily heavy cream shakes... does it get easier after awhile?

2 years

Daily heavy cream shakes... does it get easier after awhile?

From what I've read, and based on my own experience, the key is finding a way to consume cream daily that works for you. Some people are able to just guzzle straight cream like they're drinking a normal beverage, some people need to mix it with flavouring and/or milk, others need to mix it with other things, and some people find it easy to incorporate it into more solid foods instead.

I experimented a little before I found the easiest way for me to drink it was mixing it with some milk and some cake mix - it helped to make it feel less fatty when swollowing and didn't leave that greasy residue afterwards. I was eventually able to move into having 1 part milk to 2 parts cream with some drinking chocolate to cut through the cream flavour.

Your cream tolerance and your ability to build on it is a big factor as well. You might be someone that needs to slowly build up from say 50ml of cream a day to 300ml a day. Or you might need to vary it from day to day based on how your body is feeling.

Experiment a bit more to find what makes it taste and feel more enjoyable for you and work from there I say.
2 years

Daily heavy cream shakes... does it get easier after awhile?

From what I've read, and based on my own experience, the key is finding a way to consume cream daily that works for you. Some people are able to just guzzle straight cream like they're drinking a normal beverage, some people need to mix it with flavouring and/or milk, others need to mix it with other things, and some people find it easy to incorporate it into more solid foods instead.

I experimented a little before I found the easiest way for me to drink it was mixing it with some milk and some cake mix - it helped to make it feel less fatty when swollowing and didn't leave that greasy residue afterwards. I was eventually able to move into having 1 part milk to 2 parts cream with some drinking chocolate to cut through the cream flavour.

Your cream tolerance and your ability to build on it is a big factor as well. You might be someone that needs to slowly build up from say 50ml of cream a day to 300ml a day. Or you might need to vary it from day to day based on how your body is feeling.

Experiment a bit more to find what makes it taste and feel more enjoyable for you and work from there I say.

This is good advice. If you want to gain from cream you need to be able to digest it efficiently and this means spreading it out over the day. It is no good just doing it for a few days - it's more a case of making it a habit.
I either drink it straight in modest quantities (never more than 300ml at a time) or include it with cooking. For example, adding 100ml to two scrambled eggs is possible.
2 years