
All day stuffing

To set the scenario and a bit about my body, I have the house to myself for 6 days in a few weeks. I thought I would love to be able to try to do some sort of all day stuffing. I’m a tall, skinny guy and my capacity isn’t huge. I’m not expecting a HUGE difference but I wanted to see what I can do and just want to get as big as I can. I want to start early and end late to get as much time in as I can.

I had a few questions and need some advice/tips with this:

1. Since I have some time before I attempt it, is there anything I should be doing to prepare?
2. What are some types of foods to avoid and types of foods to definitely indulge in? I know to vary what I’m eating so I don’t get sick off of one thing.
3. What drinks should I avoid/drink? Soda, water, juice?
4. I thought one day I would just try to bloat as big as I can rather than stuff my face. For example, soda/beer, maybe a cake shake (never tried it but it seems like a good way to bloat up). What would be best achieve this feeling?

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated!
2 years

All day stuffing

To set the scenario and a bit about my body, I have the house to myself for 6 days in a few weeks. I thought I would love to be able to try to do some sort of all day stuffing. I’m a tall, skinny guy and my capacity isn’t huge. I’m not expecting a HUGE difference but I wanted to see what I can do and just want to get as big as I can. I want to start early and end late to get as much time in as I can.

I had a few questions and need some advice/tips with this:

1. Since I have some time before I attempt it, is there anything I should be doing to prepare?
2. What are some types of foods to avoid and types of foods to definitely indulge in? I know to vary what I’m eating so I don’t get sick off of one thing.
3. What drinks should I avoid/drink? Soda, water, juice?
4. I thought one day I would just try to bloat as big as I can rather than stuff my face. For example, soda/beer, maybe a cake shake (never tried it but it seems like a good way to bloat up). What would be best achieve this feeling?

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated!

0. Most people won't see a significant, lasting difference in weight from a day of overeating; a week might get you closer, but if your goal is long-term growth, habits are stronger than binges. That isn't to say you shouldn't try this; it sounds like something you'll enjoy making a special occasion out of!

1. Think about ways to make the aftermath easier to deal with from a logistical standpoint. Prepare the rooms that you plan to do this in so that they're easy to clean, laying down a sheet that you can toss in the wash instead of having to vacuum or sweep up any crumbs. Things like that.

2. Everyone extols the virtues of heavy cream for gaining quickly, but remember that dairy and other fatty foods can cause heartburn, which will quickly put a damper on your enjoyment. If you eat foods that are known to cause heartburn (there are plenty of lists of these online), get ready to manage the symptoms.

3. Drink water--real, actual water without additives. It doesn't have to be all you drink, but things like caffeinated beverages are diuretics, which can cause increased urination, on top of their high sodium content. Dehydration isn't fun. If you like, buy a big 2 liter (or several) of plain, carbonated water/seltzer and wash food down with that. Otherwise, smoothies and other blended drinks that contain actual fruits/veggies will help balance whatever junk you decide to binge on during that week.

4. YMMV, but the last time I tried a cake shake from Portillos, I couldn't finish it. It wasn't a capacity thing; the sheer sweetness of the mix actually just killed my appetite, and I usually have a sweet tooth. If your goal for that day is bloating, diet carbonated beverages and light ice cream might get you further than you expect from the fact that they're supposed to be "low-calorie." The goal is to reach and maintain a heavy feeling of fullness. Starchy foods (rice and the like) will help soak up whatever you drink and lead to that longer-lasting bloat.
2 years

All day stuffing

These are all good. But to add onto it:

You have 6 days to yourself. Use them all to the best of your ability.

Day 1: Eat a large breakfast. Not to the point of being stuffed, but comfortably full. Let it settle for 30 minutes and drink something carbonated. As much as you can.

Spend the next two hours snacking. Eat something light. Then have your next meal. Rinse and repeat.

Stop eating at least 2 - 3 hours before bed to let your body process everything.

Day 2: You should wake up hungry if you did day 1 right. Make yourself a large smoothie for breakfast. Doesn't matter what kind. But make it as big as you can. This will stretch you out as will as clean you out from yesterday. You will be less likely to eat if you feel constipated. If you can't consume it all at once, have a little more every time you feel like you have more roon. But it should be all gone within an hour and a half.

Let yourself digest fully. Let yourself feel hungry. This way, you'll get more food than you probably need to satiate your hunger. Eat everything you get. Finish it all within the hour. Do this until about 5 hours before bed. Do a carbonated liquid bloat. Top yourself off until two hours before bed. Wait an hour and then eat a large meal.

Day 3: Start the day with another smoothie to clean you out from yesterday. Today you should keep yourself slightly past comfortably full.

Day 4: Start the day with another smoothie. Let yourself digest for about an hour. Eat as much as you can for an hour. Rest for thirty minutes. Rinse and repeat.

Day 5: Start the day with another smoothie. This is your all day stuffing day. You should spend this day in one spot more or less. Embrace the hedonism of it all. You should be able to eat more than you did on day one. If you aren't eating a meal, you should be grazing. You should end the day in a food coma.

Day 6: This is your recovery day.
2 years

All day stuffing

These are all good. But to add onto it:

You have 6 days to yourself. Use them all to the best of your ability.

Day 1: Eat a large breakfast. Not to the point of being stuffed, but comfortably full. Let it settle for 30 minutes and drink something carbonated. As much as you can.

Spend the next two hours snacking. Eat something light. Then have your next meal. Rinse and repeat.

Stop eating at least 2 - 3 hours before bed to let your body process everything.

Day 2: You should wake up hungry if you did day 1 right. Make yourself a large smoothie for breakfast. Doesn't matter what kind. But make it as big as you can. This will stretch you out as will as clean you out from yesterday. You will be less likely to eat if you feel constipated. If you can't consume it all at once, have a little more every time you feel like you have more roon. But it should be all gone within an hour and a half.

Let yourself digest fully. Let yourself feel hungry. This way, you'll get more food than you probably need to satiate your hunger. Eat everything you get. Finish it all within the hour. Do this until about 5 hours before bed. Do a carbonated liquid bloat. Top yourself off until two hours before bed. Wait an hour and then eat a large meal.

Day 3: Start the day with another smoothie to clean you out from yesterday. Today you should keep yourself slightly past comfortably full.

Day 4: Start the day with another smoothie. Let yourself digest for about an hour. Eat as much as you can for an hour. Rest for thirty minutes. Rinse and repeat.

Day 5: Start the day with another smoothie. This is your all day stuffing day. You should spend this day in one spot more or less. Embrace the hedonism of it all. You should be able to eat more than you did on day one. If you aren't eating a meal, you should be grazing. You should end the day in a food coma.

Day 6: This is your recovery day.

Great advice, thank you. But I don't understand the term "rinse".
2 years

All day stuffing

It just means to repeat the previous instructions. It's a reference to instructions once common on shampoo bottles: lather, rinse, and repeat.
2 years

All day stuffing

It just means to repeat the previous instructions. It's a reference to instructions once common on shampoo bottles: lather, rinse, and repeat.

OK thanks you
2 years