
How to stop asking for food

I keep wanting to ask my bf for food, it's all I think about when I talk to him, just wanting to ask to be sent a shit ton of food from Mc Donald's. I can't afford it for myself. and I feel horrible for asking, so I never will, but I drop hints that I want food. I'm a feedee but he's not a feeder. so I can't just ask for food. I'm at a loss for what to do, but I can't get the question off my mind. does anyone have some suggestions?
2 years

How to stop asking for food

I think you answered your own question. Just don't ask, ever. At least you have the good sense of not doing that.

If he was asked, I expect he'd feel irritated, maybe taken advantage of, and even resentful. I know I would.

You can wish for it, sure. Doesn't mean he ever will, so don't hold your breath.

I would advise either focusing on cheaper food, or better yet, try to improve your financial situation. This could getting a raise from work, or a better job, either at the same workplace (possibly easiest) or another.
2 years

How to stop asking for food

Pixelated:does anyone have some suggestions?

Maybe tell him that being full makes you horny. In my experience, this is true even for non-feedees. Women in general are much more amorous if they've had a good meal. I reckon that's part of the reason, conscious or unconscious, for the dating tradition of taking a woman out to dinner.

Anyway, if he knows this he may get the idea of buying you food on his own. Obviously, if he does, try to show your appreciation in bed.
2 years

How to stop asking for food

I would advise either focusing on cheaper food,

If you have just a little money, find something at a dollar store you enjoy eating, and stock up. Then, when he's around, eat it. Plant the idea in his head that you need to eat, and eat often. Then he might be open to bringing you a little something, which you then eat, alongside a bit less of whatever you have been eating, to show you still want more. Be appreciative either way.
Note you're still not asking, not directly, but he'll probably figure out to bring you food.
2 years