
Is their any real honest older guys on here

So sorry you have to go thru that.
2 years

Is their any real honest older guys on here

I figure if the guy never answers his wife found out he was chatting online with women.
In any case I don't worry about it and could care less.
I have met some really nice guys on here but some real jackasses too.
2 years

Is their any real honest older guys on here

Narcissism is not a positive attribute and its too widespread these days.
2 years

Is their any real honest older guys on here

Narcissism is not a positive attribute and its too widespread these days.

There are some nice people on this site.
But Don't get me started on molignant narsisist.
They are a danger to everyone.
It should be in the part of this website ware they talk about the danger's of the web.
They pretend to be what ever you want at first.
Then later on they ATTACK you.
There is a spectrum to narcissistic personality disorder.
The best ones are just airigent pricks.
The worst ones can KILL just for installing them.
I had a very bad experience with one that would start lots of fires mess with cars and I think may have killed a few times.
And tried to blame me and others for the bad stuff he did.
Part of Dr fill on this topic
2 years

Is their any real honest older guys on here

Many of us older members here are indeed nice as can be. Just here to encourage body confidence:-)
2 years

Is their any real honest older guys on here

I have been here at least 12 years over all and in the beginning I met some real nice guys but that has changed over the years.
Not a fan of Dr Phil but those videos are right on point about narcissistic people.
You Tube is full of people with narcissistic personality disorder that create channels just so they can talk about themselves and feed their egos.
I know a few people with that disorder and I won't have anything to do with them.
2 years

Is their any real honest older guys on here

I have been here at least 12 years over all and in the beginning I met some real nice guys but that has changed over the years.
Not a fan of Dr Phil but those videos are right on point about narcissistic people.
You Tube is full of people with narcissistic personality disorder that create channels just so they can talk about themselves and feed their egos.
I know a few people with that disorder and I won't have anything to do with them.

True about much of YT. I have a few fave channels, but most of the YouTuber community is folks without the skills to land real jobs.
2 years

Is their any real honest older guys on here

Your link didn't work for me so I couldn't view it but I have seen Dr Phil discuss it in a few videos that is why I mentioned it.
My first marriage was horrible because 3 of his family members were narcissists.
His Mom and his two brothers.
They would always try to drag you into their game then blame you for all their problems.
One night the mother got arrested and thrown in jail for driving under the influence and somehow I was the cause even tho' I was 2 states away.
They were just horrible people.My husband wasn't at all like them but we had our own issues to deal with like drugs,alcohol and infidelity.
2 years

Is their any real honest older guys on here

2 years

Is their any real honest older guys on here

There are still nice honest guys on here but we keep quiet because we have been rejected so many times we are afraid of getting hurt again to try anymore.
2 years
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