Extreme obesity

Becoming immobile

I have read on a few ladies profiles that they want to become immobile.

Just curious as to why someone would want to achieve that.

I am not saying that there is anything wrong with that desire, I just would like to know why.
2 years

Becoming immobile

It is the ultimate in hedonism, to give in so strongly to your desires that you can literally do nothing else. It seems fantastical, yet has happened to several, including those who can recount their experiences still.
That's my reasoning anyway. I don't really want it myself.
2 years

Becoming immobile

It's not something I'd ever want, or most would want for that matter. Actually, I wouldn't want to be at a size where independent living is no longer possible, even assuming access to modern conveniences. But that's neither here or there.

Although, I had one person describe it as essentially getting to be royalty, since suddenly it means others have to help you with even basic tasks. Perhaps some folks really like the idea of that.

Of course, reality does differ from fantasy. It's possible some of them haven't really thought it through, and won't really like that when reality sets in. But then again, some really are serious about it, as you know.
2 years

Becoming immobile

It's really complicated and unique for every person. It really takes a lot of honesty and trust.

When we started dating, she would probably have been horrified at the idea of becoming so fat she could never run or jump again. I also thought that would be tragic and a burden.

Then I watched it happen to her. She got so huge I started to worry, and thought about kindly influencing her to go on a diet.

But I realized she's healthy, happy, lovely, and I think it's adorable when I have to help her with things she's too fat to do anymore.

She's gotten to the point where she teases me that she's going to get immobile just so she can force me to do everything for her!

My retort is that I need to get her out of the house so that everyone can stare at just how huge she is!
2 years