
Sleep apnea/cpap and weight gain

Is Sleep Apnea something that's inevitable when gaining weight? I'm assuming so but I'm just wondering if there are any people out there that are above 300lbs and don't need one
1 year

Sleep apnea/cpap and weight gain

The highest weight for me was 425 and never really had sleeping issues.
My BF said I snored a little but not all the time.
Rolling over in the bed was pretty hard tho'.
1 year

Sleep apnea/cpap and weight gain

Is Sleep Apnea something that's inevitable when gaining weight? I'm assuming so but I'm just wondering if there are any people out there that are above 300lbs and don't need one

I once has a fling with someone who was 148kg which is comfortably over 300lbs. She had no apnea issues, didn't snore either.

OSA incidence is correlated with obesity but as it is a physiological affect usually related to fat deposits near the upper airways, where your body deposits fat makes a big difference as to when/if you will develop it as you gain.
1 year

Sleep apnea/cpap and weight gain

I started heavily snoring and having sleep disturbance and sleep apnea right after I gained over 104kg. Just got a CPAP at 116kg now and it's really needed to get a good night's sleep. So it seems for some people it's directly related to getting fatter. I'm still trying to accept it more.
1 year

Sleep apnea/cpap and weight gain

I’ve done a fair amount of research into the subject because I was being yanked around by doctors when I went to renew my health card.

Snoring isn’t the problem it’s Gasping for air at night because you can’t get enough oxygen so you “wake up” alot during the night. The test is just seeing how many times you “wake up” at night and that could be caused by so many things.
1 year

Sleep apnea/cpap and weight gain

You could have “sleep apnea” when your congested but when you’re not you’re just fine, or you could sleep funny one night and the next night be fine. Maybe you linked your neck funny etc.. it’s just so silly they say because you’re fat it’s the cause of it.

Like it’s serious thing not getting enough oxygen unoxygenated blood is super toxic to the body. It’s more than “I don’t get a good nights rest” or “I’m a bit sleepy when I wake up” (what adult does?)
1 year